autumn; act two

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autumn was a very nice time of year. the leaves on the trees turned brown and fell to the ground. the nights seemed long and cozy. the wind blew softly everyday and night. things seemed good.

jimin and i were really close. we enjoyed hanging out together and often ate at cafes together during the weekend.

i walked with jimin down the street. the leaves below our feet crunched as leaves fell down on us.

"paboya! there's a leaf on your head" giggled jimin, showing his eye smile.

"huh? where?" i asked as i patted my head. i couldn't feel the leaf.

jimin picked it up from my hair and showed it to me while giggling. i laughed with him.

"ooo were here!" i smiled as i ran towards the cafe, leaving jimin.

"ahh come back!" yelled jimin, chasing after me. we both went in the small cafe and went to the cashier. we bought some food and sat down at a table near the window.

"yah can i try some of your cake?" asked jimin as he looked at my slice of red velvet cake topped with white icing.

"sure" i smiled as he took my fork and took a small piece of it. he ate it "wahh its so good!".

i smiled as he gave me my fork back. we usually shared stuff a lot "it is!" i smiled as i took a bite of my cake.

soon we both went home. i had a really nice time today but something was bothering me. i think i had a crush on jimin. jimin is really cute hehe!

the rest of autumn, i spent doing schoolwork and enjoying walking in leaves. i loved the feeling of autumn since it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

then winter started to come.

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