winter; act three

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i left my house with my favourite hoodie on. snow fell down on my hair slowly as i walked to school. it was the last day of the first semester and i was excited!

a few people in my year were going to do a performance and we could all talk and hang out for the day.

soon i reached school and i walked up to my friends minhee and leejin. i couldn't see bts or jimin anywhere so i was really worried.

"mmm where's jimin and bts?" i asked curiously. they knew i had the biggest crush on jimin.

"i'm not sure" said minhee "they should be here soon".

"i haven't heard anything from them" said leejin "maybe they are just late".

"maybe" i said "lets go to the theatre first, i'm sure we'll meet them there!".

"okay" smiled minhee.

"you guys go ahead, i need to do something first" smiled leejin "i'll be there before it starts".

"okay" we smiled and walked away.

minhee and i walked to the theatre and sat in the front row.

"minhee-ah who do you think is performing?" i asked.

"i think it will be the group redvelvet! they are really good and they perform at almost every talent show so they surely will perform for this event" smiled minhee.

"i think it will be straykids! they're dance to their own song my pace is really nice! i want to see them with a new song!" i smiled happily.

"lets see who's going to perform!" smiled minhee.

soon leejin came and sat down with us. the lights went off and suddenly seven people i was  friends with walked on stage, one of them jimin.

"omg it's bts?!" i smiled happily "i didn't expect that!".

jimin looked at everyone in the crowd and made eye contact with me. he smiled happily when he saw me and i smiled back.

a song i'd never heard played. omg! it's a new song they made! it was called 'dna' and it was so nice! i really liked it. at the end of their performance they all bowed and jimin held the mic. he put his face close to it.

"this song was for you jinah!" he smiled, making eye contact with me.

i was blushing so hard as everyone clapped. they all went off stage. the rest of winter was great! i hung out with my friends a lot more and even jimin! i fell for him even more.

then spring started to come.

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