Chapter 23

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Within the next 20 minutes later, all the food was cleaned up, the table was clean and all the dishes have been washed.

"It seems like everything has been cleaned up. Well I better get going now and deal with Ji Hun...."

Mrs. Lee said collecting her jacket and bag from the living room. 

"Ah okay. Thank you for staying behind and helping us clean up."

Mrs. Kim said following her friend to the door.

Right before Mrs. Lee opened the door, she turned around and looked at Mrs. Kim in the eyes.

"I'm sincerely sorry for what my son did to your daughter. I feel so ashamed."

She did not know how to reply to that. She couldn't say "Don't worry." or "It's okay." because it is something to be concerned about and it's obviously not okay that that has happened. So instead of saying anything at all, she nodded and sighed. And with that, Mrs. Lee turned around the left the apartment. They boys, who were still there, walked into the living getting ready to leave also. Min's mother turned to face them.

"Thank you."

"Oh no worries. We couldn't get let you and Mrs. Lee clean everything up. That would've been rude of us."

Suho replied back.

"No, I'm not talking about that, but I do appreciate your help. But what I'm actually thanking you is for protecting my daughter. I'm so thankful that you guys were able to find her."

She said her voice full of sincerity. 

"No problem Mrs. Kim. But do keep in mind that it's partially our fault this has happened. So don't give us so much credit."

Xiumin replied.

The rest of the guys nodded in agreement.

"I forgot to ask you guys this earlier, but can you tell me what you were hiding from her that you didn't want her to find out?"

They all looked at each unsure whether or not they should tell her the truth. But then Kai opened his mouth and spoke.

"We were hiding a note from Min. We don't have it anymore since Min ran off with it."

"What exactly did the note say? Was it some kind of love note that she wanted to keep private?"

"Not exactly.....It was a threat."

Kris added.

"What!? Why would she be receiving threats? Did she do something in school that I'm not aware off?"

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