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   “So when did you finally get back?” Jess asked me the second we got back to our dorm.

 “Umm. About three or four in the morning.” I replied, throwing my bag on the ground and falling onto my bed.

“Was he cute?”

 I tossed her my phone after finding his picture. “Mm.” I moaned, getting comfy.


 “Mhmm.” I moaned in response.

 “So what’s the plan for today, Amber?”

 “Sleep.” I rolled over cuddling one of my pillows, falling right to sleep.


   “Amber. Amberrr. AMBER!” Jess screamed.

I groaned. “Go the hell away.” I turned over on my stomach and pulled a pillow over my head, praying that it will drown her out at least a little bit.

 “No. Now get your ass up! There’s this party going on down at the lake, and we NEED to go.”

 Nope. “Whyyyy? Why the hell do I have to go? I’m fucking sleeping!”

 “Because I heard some sexy-ass guys talking about it, and they’re going. So get your ass dressed, biotch.”

 I peeked my eye out to look at her. “How sexy?”

 “Like Alex Pettyfer and the Teen Wolf guys sexy. Now just imagine them having a baby, and imagine that baby being seventeen.” She stated.

 And with that, I jumped up out of bed, and made my way to my closet. I grabbed my head. “Whoa.”

 “What’s wrong?”

 “Dizzy.” Jess started laughing. Asshole. “Shut up and help me find a sexy outfit.”

 “I vote for the black tube belly top with the red and sliver design on the front, and the red lacing up the sides. Oh, and your black skinny jeans. The one’s with the zippers and the chain hanging from it.”

 “I was just thinking the same thing. I was thinking either that or that short black dress –.“

 “No.” She cut me off. “You need to wear the red and black.”

 “Alright. I’ll wear the red and black.” I shook my head, smiling nonetheless, and walked into my closet.

 “Good. So how many people do you think are going to this party?” She asked.

 I stuck my head out and gave her a ‘What the fuck?’ look. Seriously though, what the fuck? “Dude. You’re the one who just woke me up, screaming about this damn party. You tell me.”

 “Well I obviously think a lot.” She stated.

 I went back to the closet. “It better be a lot. Otherwise, I’m killing your ass for waking mine up!”

 “Relax. Even Darren, Kenneth, and Zack are going. Plus, if it’s not that great then we could always leave.”

 “There better be hot guys there!”

 “There will. Now get ready.” She fixed her makeup, plopping down on my bed. I just shook my head at her and put on my clothes.


   After getting dressed, hair and makeup done, we’re finally here. The music was booming, the people were drinking and dancing, and yes, there are sexy-ass guys here. I saw Zack and Darren hanging over by some truck, drinking. I was making my way over to them. Jess nudged me and pointed over to Kenneth dancing with some girl. I just shrugged and kept walking, her right behind me. “Hey boys.” I leaned back against the bed of the truck and grabbed a beer from it.

 “Hey.” They smiled.

 “What’s up?” Jess asked.

 “Just talking.” Darren shrugged.

   I nudged Jess and nodded over to some sexy guys checking us out. They saw us looking and smiled. I see a black haired, blue eyed cutie that needs my attention. I looked over to Jess, and she shrugged. I smirked and we walked over to them. “Hey.” I said, running my hand through my hair. I been told, I look sexy doing that.

 My guy smiled at me. “Hey.”

 Jess was using quite contact. Staring at him with a smirk, acting all cute, a little shy. “So, how good is this party?” She asked. “We just got here.”

 “We think it’s pretty good.” Her guy stated.

 “Yeahhh. But it just got a lot better.” My guy smiled at me.

 I smiled back. “Great. Because it just got a lot better for us too.”

 “Well then, do you girl’s want to dance?” Jess’s guy asked.

 We looked at each other and shrugged. I looked back at my guy and smiled. They grabbed a hold of us and we started dancing. “So do you guys go to Brantley’s?”

 “Yep.” They replied in unison.

 “You guys share a dorm?” Jess asked.

 “Yes we do, pretty lady.” Her guy answered, pulling her closer.

 My guy laughed. “How about you two?”

 “Hell yeah, we share a dorm.” I replied.

 “Do you guys want to see it tonight?” Jess asked.

 The guys shared a glance, and smirked. “We’d love to. But maybe one of you would like to check out our dorm as well. You know, so it’s not so cramped.” Jess’s guy commented.

 “Sounds great.” Jess replied. Those two were just staring at each other.

 My guy held me from behind and whispered in my ear. “I

 “I’m Noah.” He told me.

 I smiled. “I’m Amber.” I turned and held on to his neck while we danced. I had to admit, he was pretty damn hot, and his moves were just as amazing.

 “So which place would you prefer yours or mine?” He asked.

 I thought about it for a second. “Yours.”

 He smiled. “Great.” He tapped his friend. “Hey Jace. We’re going to take over our dorm.”

 Jace didn’t break eye contact with Jess. “Sounds good.”

   We stayed at the party for a while, dancing, talking, drinking. Noah had some pretty good moves, honestly. I matched up his moves and let out some better, sexier ones. The song Porn Star dancing came on, and I just couldn’t help going into the sexy dancing. I turned my back to him. I fully believe the quote ‘There’s always one song that brings out the stripper in every girl’. This song is my stripper song. I let my hair fly everywhere, let my hips move to the beat, just let myself loose. I heard some guys hollering, some whistles here and there. I turned to face him, put my hands on his shoulders and swung my upper half in a half circle. It didn’t take us much longer after that song to sneak back to his dorm.

   And let the clothes start flying


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