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   “You really think you could beat me, Chuckles?” I asked. “I mean you couldn’t last time, what would make you think you could now?”

 “Only this time I think she’s a little more whiney.” Jess stated.

 “Oh yeah. Definitely.” I agreed.

 “Shut up!” Chuckles yelled, holding her nose and glaring up at me.

 I punched her in the mouth. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

 “Don’t talk shit about her. I’m sure you’re the whiney one when you’re getting your ass beat.” One of her friends started to sass Jess.

 “Hey!!” Chuckles yelled at her.

 “Hey. Do you want to get your ass beat today too, you skank?” Jess snapped.

 “You think you could even touch me? I’m untouchable, bitch.”

 I rolled my eyes and swung my foot to knock her on her ass. I shook my head, and fisted both hands, slamming them down on Chuckles’ boob. “OW!!” She cried.

 “Oh don’t act like that hurts. With the stuffing stuffed in here I’m sure you could barely feel it.”

 “Hey! I DON’T stuff my bra, thank you!”

 “Really?” I grabbed some stuffing that was hanging out of her bra and held it up.

 She looked shocked. “You broke my bra!!”

 Everyone looked at us. Even Jess and Chuckles’ friend stopped fighting and looked over. I looked at her like she was an idiot, because she is. “Bras have pads in them, not stuffing, you moron.” She looked away and blushed, crossing her arms. I got off of her. “Okay. I’m done kicking your ass, you can’t afford to lose anymore brain cells. Dumb bitch.” I started walking away. “Come on, Jess. She’s not worth it.” I started walking pass her.

 “At least I’m worth more than a penny.” The friend commented.

 I turned around to face her. I punched her right in her eye. “Bitch, you ain’t worth more than a free hooker.” I turned around and walked away.


   I turned to face Jess. “Okay. Do you really think Channing Tatum is hotter than Alex Pettyfer? I mean he’s a lot older and just too chiseled. I like baby-faces.” I turned around, only to get tackled. I groaned. “What the fuck!?”

 The guy started to get off me. “My bad. We were playing football and – Oh hey, Brown Eyes.”

 I groaned again and sat up. “Aren’t you ever in your dorm?”

 “Nope.” He smirked. I rolled my eyes and got up, walking away from him with Jess. After a minute, something hit me I the back of the head. I turned around to see the football that was in his hands, on the ground in front of me, and a smirk plastered on his face. I grabbed the ball and kicked it. It headed right towards his guy parts, but he grabbed it right on time. “Nice try.”

 Jess and I walked further away from him, heading towards the food court. We walked in and saw Zack, Darren, and Dumbass at one of the tables. After grabbing some food, we walked over to them. “So what’s up today, ladies?” Darren asked us.

 “Well so far Amber barely made it to class because of a guy, called her parents, beat the shit out of your ex WHO by the way has close to no brain cells, embarrassed and punched her friend, then almost hit this guy in his balls with a ball. Oh, and I went to class and watched and helped out with all of this. Now I just want to stuff my face.” Jess informed everybody, then shoving several fries in her mouth.

 “You got into a fight with Daisy again?” Darren asked.

 “Hey. If she kept her mouth shut about me and didn’t make up lies, then I wouldn’t have to kick her ass. That girl has some serious problems.” I stated.

 “Yeah. She tried playing her stuffed bra off as it was filled with stuffing and that Amber busted it open. Oh, and the worst slash saddest part, was that she actually believed the bras were filled with stuffing.” Jess informed again, with food in her mouth nonetheless. We all just stared at her for a minute. “What?”

 I just shook my head and looked back at Darren. He looked back at me. “Um…. Wow.”

 “Yeahhh. That’s um. That’s bad.” Zack stated.

 “Wait.” Dumbass started. “Are they not?”

 We all looked over at him. The hell? “Did your mother drop you on your head as a baby?” Jess asked.

  “No. But I did fall out of a tree house when I was six.” He stated.

 “That explains so much.”

 “It really does.” I stated.

 “Dude.” Darren jumped in.

 “What?” Dumbass asked.

 Darren opened his mouth, but he just shook his head and turned back to me. “Anyways. What was she saying about you? And why?”

 “Just shit like I couldn’t beat her up again and that I’m a whore and such. Stupid shit. So I let her and her guy friend try to hit me. I didn’t even touch them, I just dodged. They tired themselves out after a couple minutes. Then somehow we ended up with me beating her ass, and that was that.” I answered.

 “She is so pathetic.” Darren shook his head.  “I can’t believe I dated her.”

 “Yeah, why did you?” I asked. Everyone but us were so quiet right now. I looked at them all. Hmm.

 “I don’t even know, it was a while ago. I think she tricked me into it.”

 Jess started laughing. “How did she do that?”

 “Well we hooked up at this party, I was COMEPLETELY drunk, by the way. Anyways, after a week of me not talking to her or anything, she came up to me and told me she was pregnant. So yeah, I felt like I had to at least date her. After a few months of her not getting any bit bigger, I made her take one in front of me, and it turned out she was not pregnant. She said she must’ve had a miscarriage or something. But no way. She said she was going to doctor visits. By the time I made her take the test, it was already past the miscarriage mark.”

 We all stared at him, dumbfounded. “Wow.” I stated.

 “You’re not kidding.” Zack commented.


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