Ch. 1

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I take a step up in line for the meet and greet. I am three people away from meeting him. Three people away from meeting my idol. Three people away from meet thee Jack Mathew Baran.

I look down at my phone to check the time and I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I look up and it's one of the security guards.

"Miss, it's your turn" he informs me. My heart stops and my hands start shaking. I take a couple steps over to Jack.

"Hey, gorgeous" Jack says to me. He called me gorgeous!

"H-Hi" I say. I wrap my arms around him and give him the biggest huge I've ever given someone.

"What's your name?" Jack asks.

"Casey, call me Case though" I reply

"Case, thats cute" he smirks and me than the security guard tells us to hurry up. We take a quick picture than I'm rushed out.

That was the best three minutes of my life.

I meet up with my friend Bry, short for Bryanna. We both came to Playlist Live together but I wanted to meet Jack and she wanted to meet Trevor Moran so we split up and went our separate ways and met at the fountain when we both finished.

"GUESS WHAT?!" Bry squeaks?


"Trevor thought I was cool and invited us to go to a youtube party after Playlist tonight."

"What!" I scream. A couple people look over but most people ignore me.

Bry and I arrive at the party. Every youtuber is here. It's so amazing. Bry sees Trevor and introduces me.

"Do you wanna dance with me?" Trevor asks Bry.

Bry stares at Trevor for a second in shock and I see him getting nervous. I nudge Bry and she jumps a little.

"S-sure" Trevor grabs her hand and brings her to the dance floor while I walk over to the closest open table and sit on my phone.

I check all of my social media. Everyone is posting pics with their favorite youtuber. Someone sits at the other end of my table. I look up.

Jacks POV

Casey looks up at me. She's so gorgeous. I want her to be mine.

"Hello, beautiful" I scream over the loud music.

"Hi" she says biting down on her lip. I stand up and move my chair so mine is touching hers.

"You look really hot" I whisper in her ear. She blushes and turns away. I grab her chin and pull her head back towards me.

I wave over one of the waitresses. The lady comes over and hands me two drinks. She knew what I wanted. I hand one of the drinks to Casey.

"I don't drink" she states. Seriously?

"Fine." I place my drink down on the table. "Than come dance with me"

Casey POV

Jack grabs my hand and pulls me towards the dance floor. I allow him to pull me but I don't want to dance. I don't know how.

When we get out on the dance floor can turns to face me than slips his hands around my waiste and starts dancing. I try to mimic his movements but I don't know how to do this. I'm too awkward.

I move closer to Jack and whisper in his ear.

"I can't dance"

"Just move with the beat" he sexily answeres

Jack spins me around keeping his hands around my waiste and starts grinding on me. He moves his front into my back. I can't hold myself up anymore Jacks holding all my weight. I rest my head on his chest and just sway to the best of the music.

The party ends and Bry comes for me to take her home. Jack pulls me into a hug. Jack slips his hand into my back pocket. My breathing hitches and he notices. He laughs a little.

"Your hot when your nervous" he whispers into my ear than pulls away leaving the party saying nothing more.

A/n: I hope you liked the first chapter of the story!

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