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Hi! So I feel like I should specify that this story Is modern day, but includes slavery, sexual themes, possible rape, death.

Alex's POV: I wonder what John meant. It's been around three days since I first arrived, and I've noticed that I'm the only servant that stays in the house with the family.

I've also noticed that Mr.Laurens doesn't eat with his family, but instead he eats in his office. I'll notice that when John leaves his fathers office he was jittery and scared easily.

The younger Laurens kids seemed to only bash their father. While Mrs.Laurens agreed with her children and took caution when going to her husbands office.

Not even my father was this hated around the estate. I still feel as if he is remorseful for selling me. He and Martha kept the younger ones scared that they would not survive the harshness of this life. Parke ((A/N actual name is John but that will confuse me)) and Frances could never handle this.

I on the other hand have already experienced this when trying to pay off my family's debts back in Nevis. I worked for a year on a plantation to park everything off. Then my adopted family adopted me at the age of 13. On the way to America my ship caught fire and I was abandoned once more.


I was sitting in John's room as he went over rules. His father decided that John needed a man servant.

I'll admit, John is extremely attractive, and if he was straight women would be all on him.

"Rule 2, no going out-.." he looked at the sheet he was holding "t-to corn?"

I struggled to hold in a laugh, but as soon as he started laughing I began laughing. He was just so contagious.

We stopped and wheezed then looked at each other, and began laughing once more.

The door creaked open and Henry walked in along with Mary. "Daddy asked if you could shut up" Henry said quietly.

"Tell father that he can go fuck himself" John grumbled and brought his two younger siblings in.

"Jacky" Frances screeched and hit John "daddy will murder you if he heard you say that"

He muttered something under his breath then sighed "I think it's time for y'all to go help mama with lunch"

The two young Laurens's squeaked and ran downstairs to Mrs.Laurens.

"John, What is wrong" I asked and looked to the eldest son.

"It's just I don't know if I like having a personal servant.."he whispered. I felt my blood run cold and panic wash over me.

"Sir! Please..I'll work in the fields or w-with the animals! Please just don't get rid of me" I whimpered and fell to the floor. I can't let my family live in debt. That's why I offered to sell myself in the first place.

"Alexander, I'm not getting rid of you. I just..I just don't know how I feel about it. It's wrong in so many ways" he whispered.

I nodded and felt as if the world was collapsing around me.


It was now Thursday. I was still with the Laurens family as John's servant. We've decided to sneak out tonight and go to the wharf.

We sat on the dock next to the small boat that could take us anywhere with water.


"Yes Alexander?"

I looked to the freckled boy "why don't you just leave?" I asked

"Cause I'm protecting my family from that monster we call a father. I take the beatings and they stay safe. Hell I've taken beatings for slaves before" he replied.

I never knew this about the family.

And how truly fucked up it is.

But yet here I am staring at the eldest kid and taking in his beauty.

A splash was followed by an "Oof"

"What?" I turned my head back to John. Who was now swimming in the river. His clothes laid on the dock. I looked over the edge and the water was clear enough to see he was in his boxers.

Thank god.

"Come on in" John laughed "the water is great!"

"B-but my clothes" I mentally facepalmed at stuttering. He tugged at my pants leg and whined.

I groaned and stripped from my clothes leaving me in my boxers. I jumped in and we swam around and talked about nonsense

The night was filled with laughter and some stupid questions. It was all Alexander could ask for.

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