Is It done ?

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“You know I couldn't have saved any of them! Your lying you just want me to feel bad! And you know that!”
“Well I guess you can't stay and explain for too long, your statue is going to look so good in my new house, all of you,” Medusa said as she turned all of them into stones
“The only one left,” She said “Where are you kid
“Behind you,” Anna said as she stabbed Medusa in the neck with a glass shard! “ You Killed all my friends! You ruined my life but it can still be fixed” she said as she pulled the shard out of Medusa's and stabbing her again “REMEMBER When you were killed before? DO YOU REMEMBER? IT FELT THE SAME RIGHT ?!” Anna Exclaimed
“Y – You can't Kill me,” Medusa said
“I JUST DID JERK,” Anna said as she stabbed her one last time making her fall on the floor
“NO !” Jessica Screamed
“What are you going to do now? I WILL END YOU !” Anna said
And as Anna said that the Place they were in turned from day to night
“The Curse is over... Now I can Harm YOU !” she said as she rushed and held Anna's Neck Chocking her “How do you feel now? YOU NOW KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS AND THEY ARE ALL ... DEAD AND I WILL KILL YOU TOO !”
“You can Kill me and also he can Kill you”
“Oh no,” Jessica said as she felt someone breathing behind her...
“Well I am back,” Cedric said as Jessica dropped Anna
“This isn't possible you can’t win!” Jessica exclaimed
“I guess we just Did,” Anna said and right after that Cedric hit Jessica with his sword
“Guardian angels can't kill souls... But humans can" Cedric said looking at Anna
“My curses are never going to be done I WILL BE BACK,” Jessica said as she started glowing and flying in the air ... disappearing
“What about them...” Anna asked looking at her friends her eyes drowning in tears
“Don't worry I gained my powers again and I Will get them back?” Cedric said waving his sword in the air and smacking it in the floor making all the Marks on Paulina's face fade away the poison is gone! And while that was happing the  other four started turning back to blood and flesh
“We are back !” Paulina said
“You could have told us about your brother a long time ago we would have supported you ... it is ok to be weak sometimes,” Anna said
“I – I couldn't”
“It is Fine,” Mike said
“We all had secrets,” Levi said
“In that case it is true,” James said, “ok let's open a new page I guess ... how are we going to get out of here?” Elizabeth said
“Here you go ... The last crystal I Guess” Cedric said with a smile
“Finally,” Anna said happily
Anna grabbed the crystal and found herself on her bed ... 6 am time to wake up
“Honey, Your finally back home,” Anna’s mom said
“Yes ... finally back” Anna said with a big smile on her face
Anna went back to her family Spent more time with her little brother and went out with her friends for a sleepover every weekend at Levi's place
Mike told his ‘Parents' that he knew about what happened to his biological parents and that made them feel better ... because they felt that they saved him from what would be a horrible ending
Paulina never forgot her brother and she still visits his grave every Friday after school with her parents
Elizabeth moved out of town 4 years later for college so did Mike, Paulina and James
Anna and Levi stayed in Paris for years .... Until one night they were Having sleepover they woke up in the middle of the night and they found Jessica standing right In front of them
“The old curse is gone .... and a new one has begun !”

TO BE Continued

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