7. Haram Police?

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Bismillahi Rrahmaan Rraheem.

10 October 2018

I can't describe the hurt and pain I feel when a Muslim brother or sister labels another haram police.

SubhanaLlah. The harm that has been brought by that term. Subhanallaah.
Not only does it give muslims especially the youth, the confidence to sin, teaching them the 'don't judge me' attitude, it makes those who have sincere intention of doing daa'wah fail miserably in their task.

Because feel it with me, even those sisters and brothers you call haram police, they too want to be loved, because that's how Allah created us.
Calling them names hurt their esteem and sucks out their confidence.

We must know that when there is no commanding good and forbidding evil, I swear by Allah we should wait for Allah's punishment to descend upon us.

May Allah guide us all.

And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."
[Fussilat 33]

The prophet (SallaAllahu 'alayhi wasallam) said, "By the one who my soul is in His hand, you shall enjoin the good and forbid the evil, or Allah will be about to send a punishment to you from Him, then you will call Him and He will not answer you" (Reported by Tirmidhi)

Yesterday I was perusing my cyber
When I came across a vlog by my neighbor
She had uploaded her video
And sadly it wasn't a decent scenario

One, the background had music playing,
Two, her body shape was displaying,
I was hurt seeing her there in make up,
As she willingly put herself in YouTube app,

She was talking of some random issue,
Something like DIY hacks with tissue,
It really pained me seeing her out and exposed,
Behind that camera as she sweetly posed,

After praying that Allah guides her and me,
A solution; I thought there had to be,
Our Prophet said that Deen is Naseeha,
Which means it was Waàjib that I advise her,
(Naseeha = advice)

Whether I could do it, I wasn't sure,
Talk abut my own self being impure,
From an ill doctor nobody seeks cure,
Not to mention how my confidence is poor,

Haram police a well known famous brand,
Specifically labeled to all who take a firm stand
In preaching what Our Lord had conveyed
Not slightly altering a single word that was said,

Like everyone I didn't like that word,
Haram police to me sounded so absurd,
In fact I had in me this fear,
I am diagnosed with haram-police-label phobia,.

I prayed that Allah gives me strength,
That my daa'wah reaches to her heart's depth,
And when I felt I was ready,
I prepared and helped myself steady,

As I looked at the mirror,
I felt some slight terror,
This long niqab that I had chosen to wear,
Might just make her my daa'wah boring to hear,

So I picked my single piece niqaab,
Which I wore with my shortest least loose jilbaab,
Cause I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable,
It wasn't right to outrightly break her bubble,
(Niqaab = face veil, Jilbaab = A cloak that is worn by women from the head with an opening for the face)

Then Alhamdulillaah we finally met,
In her sitting room with no stress we sat,
I was still with my niqab on my face,
Cause there were some non mahram in her house,

I debated whether I should take off my Niqaab,
Just so it makes it easy to get my words grabbed,
Then she spoke urging me to remove my veil,
I quickly obeyed so that my daa'wah won't fail,

'Don't worry no one is going to come here',
She said and that relaxed my fear,
There I had to start with my advice,
But all I could think of was the term Haram police,

'Sister I saw your video', I started,
'About the tissue hacks', to her I stated,
'It was lovely and you were doing nice,
Your setting was such a good choice',

That's what my mind told me to speak,
Her sweet side I should first seek,
Cause if I just started straight to the point,
To Haram police squad I will have myself joint,

'Oh Thank you, you're so kind for real,
Others so low and cheap they made me feel,
I really love how you haven't judged me,
While other Haram police think I'm their new garden tree',

I could feel the lump grow in my throat,
As she spoke what has just been in my thought,
Time to tell her that I really don't support,
But my mind seemed to have gone afloat,

'Did you like the outfit I chose?
And my makeup, tell me did it have flaws?
Oh I can't wait to upload my second recording,
Now my new Hobby is YouTube blogging',

'She ranted making it more hard,
When I speak will I even get heard?
Should I go and come next day?' I wondered,
Cause my self esteem was deeply wounded and lowered.

The other voice me told me to keep it on,
That she will listen so long as I use a soft tone,
So I gathered all courage I had,
And started speaking hoping that it won't make her mad,

' Sister about your vlog yesterday,
Uhmm you know your hijab', I gave it a try,
'It's better if you just stay far,
From posting your videos', I blabbered to her

'I know you also post about religion,
And your goal is to call us to salvation,
But dear that's not how the swahabiyya did,
At most the make-up will just add a bad deed',
(swahabiyya: a female companion)

I paused talking to see her reaction,
From her face I could see no emotion,
'Alright', she said it slowly,
And I felt so happy that she replied politely,

'But I don't do anything wrong,
I post in my hijab and with sleeves that are long,
I don't include any free interaction',
She shocked me by refusing the correction,

'No sister, it's more than just that,
I don't intend to make you feel hurt,
Nor have you think I am meddling into your affairs,
I am only advising as a sister who cares',

With that we just shifted from that talk,
I flowed along and didn't even try to squawk,
Next time in Sha Allah we are going to proceed,
Atleast today I sowed a good seed,

After that I said my goodbye,
And went back home feeling Alhamdulillaah okay,
Then, guess what she posted the following day,
HARAM POLICE just let me have my way,

Don't judge me, she added her hashtag,
Only God has the authority to judge,
Instead of pointing my wrong parts,
Why don't you work on cleaning your hearts?,

That hurt deeper than any cut,
I could feel it shatter my poor heart,
For whom it was intended, I wasn't sure,
But one thing had become clear,

Between me and my next advising session,
Lies a good need of tons and tons of Self motivation,
Only Allah knew if I'd be able to repeat,
Or I'd shy away and just remain on my seat.

Note: It's based on imagination.

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