Bismillahi Rrahmaan Rraheem
01 November 2018
My dear sisters in Islam, one day Allah will surely make you happy and grant you a blissful life with your better half in Sha Allah.
As others put effort in ridiculing you and mocking you for striving to be on the straight path this piece from a male perspective is to let you know that there is someone out there who dies to have you and keep praying to Allah to preserve you for him in Dunya and Jannah.
Read and Rejoice sweethearts ❤️
Photo by me. (From Don't be sad by Aaidh Al-Qarniy)
_________________Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do.
Surat An Nahl 97
A man who is shy and modest is an amazing character,
But a woman who is shy and modest is beyond amazing.- Sayyidnaa AbuBakar Siddiiq
This is my talk with my Rabbi
Concerning that beautiful hijabiThe one who makes my little heart twirl
Without knowing that I call her my girlI have totally fallen for her
O please help me yaa AllahI really love this hijab girl
I see her as my precious pearlHow she carries herself with respect
Obeying her Lord in every aspectHer morals, clothing and code of conduct
To Allah all her things connectI love how she respects her Creator
Lowering her gaze to each and every MisterI love her for her stand in deen
I want her as my house's queenWhenever I see her, my heart beats race
My feelings get all over the placeAll of a sudden my soul feels happiness
Ignoring my mind that gets tangled in a messAnd Rabbi you are my witness that
I love her from the bottom of my heartShe is pure both out and within
Just observing her has made me love my deenAnd I will be a man and speak in all honesty
I have also being captured by her beautyHer religion seriously she takes
No male friends not even handshakesIf she sees men going her way
She turns and hurriedly walks awayShe doesn't mix with wrong friends
Hijaab is her beloved trendShe is unique and its leaves me dazed
I am in love with her; proud and amazedO Allah my heart is sick
And from you the cure I seekMake me good enough for my precious
That when I propose she automatically says yesEvery time I happen to be near her
I am reminded of Firdaws Al-A'laaYou have heard the million prayers I pray
That we both be under your shade on the Judgement dayI love her as I have loved no other
I want her as my babies' motherMy mum's daughter and my sister's sister
And by your grace may she help them become betterI want her to wake me for Qiyaam
And me to urge her in SiyaamI want her to help me do sunnah
And I will do my best to get us to JannahI'm not praying that she be perfect
But I pray that our flaws connectIn halal I hope to have her love
Cause I love her with all fibre I have
I'm attracted to her demeanor
How she stays firm in this world full of fitnahI'm moved by my girl's shyness
I wish she knew that who marries her will be blessedI wish she knew the number of times
My tongue has mentioned her namesIn sujood as I pray to the Almighty
Referring to her as my lovely hayatyShe is friendly yet modest
Charming and chasteNot a coward but courageous
To me she is my Habibty lionessO Allah you are my Creator
And I know you know me betterPlease make me the one to be hers
Please write my name with hersI beg you to make her my wife
In both this and next lifeYaa Rabb grant her protection
From all evil and afflictionAnd under your mercy may she be embraced
As you grant her your love and forgivenessGrant her and her family guidance
May all her moments be in happinessI know it's selfish but ya Rabb understand me
Please make my girl the right one for meAnd most importantly
I the right one for her
My Heart to Heart Message.
PoetryTo your Heart from mine, A collection of rhythmic lines, From my heart to yours, A message that reassures, To your heart from me, Jannah is where your destination should be, From my heart to you, Trust me, AL-Firdaws was created for you, My H...