Thor x Fem!Reader

387 8 9

WORDS: 5,098
COMPLETED: 8/28/18

My eyes skimmed over the skylight of New York, darkness consuming and disguising my body.

"Ready...?" A voice spoke through the intercom as I slowly nodded.

"You know, this isn't what I meant by hunting a god," I growled as the person on the other line let out a small laugh.

"Oh I know, Ms. (L/N), but my brother will listen to you," The voice spoke again as I rolled my eyes.

Someone named Loki asked if I wanted to catch a god. Now, my father is a professor in both Greek and Norse mythology, so I know my shit.

Loki is the name of the god of mischief. Considered Odin's son by many, but was truly adopted into the family.

  Do I believe in the gods? Absolutely not. But if this Loki has a brother named Thor, I'm going to leave. But, instead, I found myself listening to the male named after the god of mischief.

"Your brother? And he's a god?" I asked as he laughed.

"Sadly yes. A king, as well," He spoke over the earpiece as I gritted my teeth.

"And, let me guess, his name is Thor?" I snapped.

  He went quiet.

  My eyes then trailed back to the storm that was beginning to brew over the city. Bright flashes of purple and white blended together. Then loud thunder echoed over the land. The lightning was close to meeting the skyscrapers.

  Then I watched a bolt hit the top of Avengers Tower and staying there. I slowly arched an eyebrow.

"Loki? What the hell is that?" I asked softly as he hummed.

"We gotta get you into the tower," Was all he answered. My eyes narrowed.

"Why? Tell me what the hell is going on?" I demanded as he shook his head.

"No time. Later. Right now... Find my brother. He's in the Avenger's Tower," He spoke, his steady foreign voice sounding forceful.

"And say what?" I asked quietly. 

"Tell him 'when shadows rise'," He spoke as I slowly nodded.

"Okay..." I whispered timidly.

  I stood up from my hiding spot and sprinted into the city, where a hellish storm brewed overhead. My mind raced as my feet did the same.

  Why was I listening to him? Is Norse mythology real? No, it can't be. Now I just sound crazy.

"Hurry. You don't have much time," Loki demanded, his voice louder and a lot more violent. I ran faster.

  Ducking into alleys and making my way to the tower took a lot longer than I previously expected. I felt myself struggle to fill my lungs with air.

  I was ready to just pass out. But I knew that wasn't an option anymore.

  I stumbled into the door of the tower, being greeted by a wide-eyed man. His name tag read 'H. Hogan'.

"Can I help you?" He asked as I quickly nodded.

"I-Is their someone named... T-Thor... That I could speak with?" I asked softly as the man slowly nodded. He led me to an elevator and selected the top floor.

"You'll find all of them there," He spoke as I slowly nodded.

  Once the doors slid shut, I felt my back press against the cold walls as I slid onto the floor. I panted like a dog and struggled to catch my breath.

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