Peter Parker x Bi!Reader

694 10 10

Requested By: @ikura_bob18
WORDS: 8,553
COMPLETED: 12/31/18

I looked between the cute girl and my father. My heart hammered in my chest as I felt myself hold my breath. They were talking about who knows what.

"(Y/N), come here," My father, Happy Hogan, beaconed me. I found myself slowly nodding, heading over towards him and the female.

Her name is Pricilla Cashmere. She had dazzling locks of purely blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders with silver eyes to accent her pale tones. She always appears so full of life. Her smile flashes with an abundance of character and desire.

Do I like her? Of course. She's my girlfriend.

"(Y/N), I have to say, you've brought home a splendid young lady," Dad spoke up as I smiled proudly. He nodded and grinned at me.

We both headed to the kitchen as she let out an adorable giggle.

"Tell me, what does your dad do again?" She asked as I hummed, feeling her fingers lace with mine as I pushed my lush hair out of my face. I hummed in thought, trying to think about how to dull it down for her.

"He's... Tony Stark's assistant," I whispered quietly. I realized that I couldn't make it seem better than that. And it wasn't even a lie.

"Tony Stark, huh? Have you met him?" She asked as I let out a small laugh.

"Of course I have. He's like an uncle to me," I mumbled as she smiled widely.

"That's so cool!" She piped. I let out a giggle as she grabbed my hand tightly. She sat down on a barstool as I looked at her.

"We should go meet Tony someday," She breathed out as I slowly nodded, my smiled carefully fading.

"Yeah. Someday," I whispered quietly.

  That was six months ago.

  Today was my fifteenth birthday, and it was only bound to be all sorts of mess up. Maybe it was foreshadowed by the cute boy? Or maybe by Tony Stark's warning.

"(Y/N)! Wake up!" Pricilla chimed as I slowly lifted my head from my heaps of pillows. Pricilla laid next to me, having spent the night last night.

"Hmm?" I mumbled, only half coherent of the entire world.

"It's your birthday," She whispered with a small giggle. I weakly smiled over at her as she placed a kiss to my lips. I smiled a bit wider. She tilted her head to the side and grabbed my hand.

  We both rose to our feet, getting dressed for the day and heading out of my bedroom door. Shock hit me first, upon spotting Tony Stark in my house. Unusual? Not quite. On a Saturday morning? It was impossible.

"Tony?" I asked, which took his attention away from my father and towards me. I looked into his dark brown eyes and arched an eyebrow as a smile took over his lips and showed his teeth. I couldn't help but to smile back at him.

"Ms. Hogan? And a happy birthday to you. How are you?" He spoke as I rolled my eyes at his professional greeting. His smile widened when he noticed my annoyance.

"Magnificent. And you, Mr. Stark?" I retaliated as he broke his stoic character and began laughing so hard his face turned a deep shade of crimson. I laughed along with him as Pricilla smiled from the doorway, just watching the two of us.

"No but seriously, (Y/N), how have you been?" He asked with a smile as I sighed and shrugged.

"Honestly? Pretty well," I breathed out with a small smile. He grinned back.

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