So I recently began highschool and I am like a month and a half in. This is the first year of me taking complex classes and having multiple quizzes and tests throughout the day/week and I have picked up a couple of tips and tricks along the way along with learning some lessons so I figured I would share some of those with you guys. *It is very early in the school year yes I know still I learned so much in a small amount of time I figured I would share it with you guys*
Use a planner
This is crucial I use the monthly and weekly parts of it the most. In the monthly section I put all upcoming tests, quizzes, special days, or assignments that are due in a three day plus time period
In my weekly section I put all my hw assignments and if any of those assignments in my monthly section are due
By doing this I plan my time wisely and plan strategically when to do all my assignments periodically
Pay attention in class
Here is a hint all the content on the quiz and tests will be taught in class you are basically given all the answers. Sometimes classes are boring and I get it but try to find a positive about taking the classes. For me Spanish I don't enjoy but I get to take a lot of notes and make them very pretty which is the same for biology, algebra, global, and AMS
Take neat and efficient notes
This helps studying and processsing the knowledge a lot easier! Now I am planning on making a more in-depth chapter on how I take my notes different methods but I am hoping to get that up in the next week for now I am going to give you the most dry and simple way I can put it without making it too long (It is still pretty long just read the first and last paragraph the middle one will be explained more in depth in the chapter about note taking)
In class- Your whole goal in class is to understand the content and get all the information on the page. Do not try to take pretty notes in class this is just a rough draft if you don't have any notes what are you going to study
Outside info- This is optional but if you notice you don't understand what the teacher wrote try to see if you can see the teacher after school to get more info and take notes that make sense or you can refer to websites/YouTube I suggest you do this for classes like biology or math where you the information is pretty generic and you can't really change how the topics work. Basically, there isn't two ways meiosis works it is only one way
At home- When you are at home this is where you organize your notes and refresh your memeory on the topic. For some reason this also helps me to study rewriting all the information that will be on the time. You can also spice up your notes and a little POP
Get your sleep
This is pretty self explanatory but it's still important. Cramming before the test and not getting enough will not help you. It will make you anxious and tired and tired minds aren't bright minds. Studying to 1am. Will also have the opposite effect on you it will in the end lower your score. If you really have a lot of things to do just go to sleep made early and wake up at 5am to get it done. Studies show your brain works better at 5am than 7pm which makes sense if you think about it
Eat a peppermint while studying
Studies show that eating peppermints help stimulate brain activity
This will become your bestie so download it everywhere your phone your iPad computer whoever you know you can study. There is so many ways you can use this app to study! I will briefly go through all it's features and how I use them to study
So this is a new feature but whenever I am studying for a test I love to start off with this feature so I can familiar with all the terms. Once you start learning it'll ask when your test date is and all you have to do is put that in and it'll periodically help you study in time for the test. Also as you continue to practice it will get harder by incorporating writing and their other features
This feature seems pretty basic but it is very helpful if you want to write thee answers because (once again) studies show that if you physically write things you more likely to remember the information. I use this when I am studying for Spanish because I also need to be able to spell the word. All I do is pull up the quizlet see the English definition and translate it in Spanish. You can also get creative with this feature and make a quizlet full of sample math problems and put the answer as the definition. The possibilities are endless.
I primarily use this for my Spanish class. Like the cards I write the definition and make sure I spell it correctly except I do it on my iPad*If you have problems remembering where the accents go you can include it on your flash cards. On an apple device just force hold the letter you need the accent on and it'll include a bunch of different options* I use this feature once I am familiarized with all the words and I really want to solidify my understanding and memory
I use this when I have a lot of definitions I need to memorize like in my bio class. I use this along with the learn feature when I am still trying to familiarize myself with the terms and I may not know it word from word.
When I am like a day away from the test I use this feature to just tests myself and to see what I need to work on and concentrate on for my last day of studying. Depending on my subject I may just do all writing (Spanish) for the Type of questions or I may do a variety of questions (Biology)
-Extra tips
-Next to the cards on the home screen of the study set you will see these stars. If you notice you struggle on certain questions/terms then you can start those ones and quizlet will give you the option of just testing those specific ones are using any of the features for those specific ones
-Consistency is key you have to continuously go over the material and after you keep seeing the same questions over and getting the same ones wrong you'll eventually get it right
-Try to find different ways to use the apps. I told you guys some of the ways I use the app based on your classes you can find your own way to use use the app
-If you are taking a language class they have that little volume button press it and they will say the term Incase you have an oral test and need to know pronunciation
*This chapter is SUPER LONG ALREADY and I still have so many more tips on becoming a straight A student so there will DEFINITELY be a part 2 coming VERY SOON so just add the book to your reading list and follow me to see when I drop part 2 of study tips and how I take cute notes*
Pretty&Lavish (Selfcare&more💋)
RandomThis book is going to have you right by the end of it💗 this book will include tips to fill a girl's desire it'll include skin care, hair care, rants, self love, school, life hacks, and more! If you have any requests don't hesitate to tell me💋 If y...