The Watchman with the Black Velvet Voice

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(Amy is haunted night after night, by what appears to be Darkiplier.)

 "Goodnight." Mark kissed the top of my head as he cuddled up behind me in bed, after turning off the lights.

"Night, hun." I sighed as he cradled me in his arms, listening to the soft pitter patter of paws as Chica and Henry found their way to their doggy beds and curled up for the night.

It had been a long and busy day, so it only took a short while for us to drift into a calm and blissful slumber. I listened to my boyfriends rhythmic breathing, closed my eyes and drifted into dreamland. It would be a good nights sleep.

Or so I thought.

But no, that's the first night it all began.

I grimaced as my eyes fluttered open, my skin covered in goosebumps, the air in the room feeling absolutely frigid. I thought Mark had rolled over and was hogging the blankets again, so I went to roll over and take them back. But, when I reached over, all my hand felt was the sheet and the mattress. My eyes fully shot open wide and it was then I noticed, Mark wasn't beside me, even the blankets have vanished.

My black sleeveless sleepshirt and yellow flannel pajama pants were doing nothing against this ice cold air and in a panic, I sat up rubbing my arms and surveyed my surroundings. The room felt oddly empty with an eerie feeling washing over it. That's when my eyes caught the black void of a figure standing at the foot of the bed where the dogs should be.

I let out a gasp, and froze, thinking there was an intruder in our home. What is this? A robber, a rapist, one of Mark's crazy, stalker fans? My mind was reeling before a thought occurred to me. Our dogs would be barking and calling attention to this being here, yet there was nothing coming from that direction. It should be standing right on the doggy beds, but again, nothing.

Much like Mark, it's like the dogs aren't even here.

Fear swelling inside me, I rubbed my eyes and focused on the figure, taking in shallow shaky breaths. The figure appears to be male, dressed in a full suit and tie. He had a familiar body shape, one I knew all to well, muscular but gentle. He held his hands behind his back almost in a formal way, an odd red and blue aura danced around him. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

No.... No.... No...... This is a dream, a really, really weird dream.

I opened my eyes and. He's. Still. There.

"M-Mark?....." I managed to mutter in question. "What are you doing? Why are you all dressed up as Darkiplier? How did you get that effect going on around you?"

We gave Darkiplier, one of Mark's original characters which is supposed to be an evil side of Mark, a red and blue 3D effect when editing the videos that character made an appearance in, it really shouldn't be possible to do outside of a computer, in reality.

He gave no response to any of my questions.

Why was Mark even up in the first place? Was he trying to do some romantic and fun role playing? We joked about doing that with his original characters or, as they're often called egos, but we both agreed that it would be Wilford Warfstache and not Darkiplier. Darkiplier was a close second though.

I leaned over and tapped my phone, still sitting on the desk next to our bed.

It read, 1:00 am.

Something is very, very off. Mark would not dress up in a full tuxedo at one in the morning, especially for kinky role play. Neither of us would be in the mood for that and if Mark was standing in front of me right now, he would be able to tell that I'm defininetly not in the mood now.

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