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Awsten wakes up again and there's no sizzling and no overly autotuned music blaring in his ear. He swears to god, if he opens his eyes and he's back at Clandestine he's gonna—

He's not in Clandestine. He's in Geoff and Otto's bed, but it's vacant of them.


Awsten can hear them talking from the living room though, but their voices are so low, that he can really only distinguish who's talking at a time. It's their business so he'll leave them alone for now. When there's no more murmurs, he takes it as his cue to walk in.

He gets there and Otto and Geoff are still deep in their conversation at the kitchen, foreheads touching and Otto's hands hanging on to Geoff's shoulders. It's too intimate of a moment for Awsten to intrude so then and there he decidedly turns on his heel and walks back to his room.

"Oh, wait Awsten!" Otto calls after him, speeding to the hallway entrance.

"What?" He turns around, not sure of what he's expecting.

The two of them nudge each other for a while, trying to get one of them to talk until Geoff finally gives in and says something.

"Fine," he says to Otto before turning back to Awsten, head tilted down but eyes still on him. "We realized something."

"You realized that one of you is pregnant?" Awsten jokes with a fake smirk, internally fearing what he's going to say next.

"No, no." Geoff looks at Otto, who nods at him. "Remember that whole 'How?' question I asked you last night?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Can you answer it?"

"What is this, a pop quiz?" Awsten snarks before softening his tone and letting some of his guard down. "And no, I don't know."

"Alright, well, we found the answer for ourselves." Another pause and then a bit of hollow laughter from Geoff. "God, this is really stupid isn't—"

"Both of us love you in that more than a friend way and we don't know what to do with that." Otto spews out, suddenly interested in the floor panels.

Awsten shuts down processing that. His jaw hangs limply and his eyebrows scrunch together trying to think.

"Wha...?" They—he just—What?

"It's weird. It was really weird." Awsten hears Geoff say, but to him, he sounds like he's in another room than the mere feet away is really is. "We kinda realized after you told us you were setting the Church on fire, heh."

Awsten thinks he's just about to come down from his confusion when he realizes the other implications of them actually admitted that .

"Is this your way of asking me out?" Awsten asks, semi faking a confident smile.

"I mean, yeah, kinda." Otto admits.

So it is. A new beginning.

"So y'all won't mind if I just..." Awsten trails off to run up to the both of them, latching his lips towards each of theirs and releasing after a couple of seconds.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Otto says, fazed from that surprise.

"Good." Awsten beams. "Now I'm a lil hungry and Geoff, since you're our kitchen bitch—"

"Fuck you." Geoff replies, but the upwards curve of his lips says otherwise. He starts heading towards the kitchen to get out the pots, pans, and ingredients, and they all continue on as they would with any normal day.

It feels normal, Awsten thinks, like they've just been in this giant domestic relationship the entire time. Maybe they really just were and they never noticed it.

He knows they're not going to live this happily all the time; the Dandies are still out there with William, vampire gangs still run amok, and everyone's just stuck living in the same hell with different levels of advantages.

Right now, Awsten will do anything to protect themselves to keep moments like these and right now, he thinks that he'll go on just for them.

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