Ultrasound with Barnaby Lee (x fem!reader)

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HPHM request: Barnaby Lee x fem!reader --> Ultrasound

You had been in my bed for days and were unable to do you job as an Auror. Your best friend and husband Barnaby Lee was very worried about you. He insisted that you go to the doctor because of dizziness and nausea. But actually you didn't want to go. You thought that your illness would go away soon, but after two more days you couldn't say no to Barnaby anymore.

"Come on, Y/N! You have to go to the doctor or ask Penny for something!" Barnaby said, after he sat down on the bed.

He picked your hand up and pressed it with his warm and strong hands. He looked you in the eyes and smiled. You knew, he was just worried, but actually you knew what was wrong with you, but you couldn't believe it. You couldn't believe that you were pregnant. Pregnant by Barnaby Lee. The Slytherin guy who won your heart in the third year in Hogwarts.

You breathed slowly and thought about how to explain your current situation to him. You were nervous. You knew that he would love to hear this news, but you weren't sure if you were ready for a baby. Your job was dangerous as an Auror and your husband had long workdays as a Magizoologist so you two actually hadn't much time for something else especially not for a child.

"Barny... I... I'm not really ill." You tried to explain to him.

"Of course you are Y/N! You lay here for days."

"No.. That's not what I meant." You organized your thoughts. You just had to tell him. Your heart was pounding fast and your hands, which still lay in his hands began to sweat.

"Do you have fever?" He asked slowly and stared with his bright green eyes in your Y/C eyes.

You swallowed.

"No, I don't. I am just to nervous to tell you something."

Barnaby came nearer to you and was waiting for you to speak to him. He looked worried to you.

"We... We are pregnant..." You whispered barely audible, but you knew he heard it. He didn't move at all. Barnaby was just looking at you. "Barny, are you okay?... Barnaby Lee?!"

He shook his head and began to repeat your news slowly. "We...are...pregnant...?!"

You nodded.

"That... That is... AMAZING! OH MY GOD! WE ARE PREGNANT Y/N!!!" Barnaby jumped from the bed and danced in your bedroom up and down. You couldn't stop laughing. All your thoughts were gone and you were just happy to watch your husband dancing next to the bed.

You moved out the bed and Barnaby suddenly kissed you on your lips. It was passionate and full of love. His love for you and your child.

You both decided to check that everything is alright with your baby and you both apparated to your doctor for the ultrasound.

Soon you lay on the bed in the ultrasound room and your doctor examined your belly with his cold hands. Barnaby sat next to you and was holding your hands. You looked at him the entire time and you recognized the smile in his face and joy in his eyes. Your heart was pounding fast again as you watched your husband.

"So Mrs. Lee, let us begin your ultrasound examination. Don't be frightened the gel could be a bit cold." The doctor smeared the gel on your stomach and gently applied the transducer to the gel. He moved the transducer up and down your belly and you and Barnaby watched the monitor nervously. There was not much on the monitor yet. But suddenly a small spot formed in the middle of the picture.

"Ah, here it is." The doctor pointed on the small light spot. "That is your baby!"

You couldn't believe it. This little creature on the screen would soon become a little Barnaby, or a little Y/N. Tears formed in your eyes. You have just been the happiest person in the world. You noticed that Barnaby pressed your hand tighter. You looked up at him and saw a tear on his cheek. His eyes sparkled and were still focused on the screen. It seemed Barnaby could not hold it as well as you could.

After a few moments, he noted that you were looking at him. He turned his head to you and said, "I love you Y/N, I will do everything for you and our little angel!"

Barnaby leaned down to give you a passionate kiss. You tasted his salty tear and that gave you goose bumps. You both were blessed with a beautiful child.

This was my first x reader story. Hope you liked it. If you have a request for a one shot please write me ^^

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