Werewolf hunt

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MC and Tonks sat in Dumbledore's office, after they received an owl from him. They were nervous, because today was the day. The day were both got the task to hunt werewolves in the Forbidden Forrest. MC had the pleasure to decide what Tonks detention should be and she knew, that she would love to track werewolves. MC had much respect for the task, but she knew that everything will went right. As Tonks said: "Me and my MC can do anything!" And it was true. They were an unbeatable team.

In Dumbledore's office, they discussed the task and they worked out a plan for the night.

"Every hour you have to send blue sparks in the air, so we teacher know that everything is alright. When something happens, please send red sparks in the air and soon you will get help. Professor Sprout, Professor McGonagall and Professor Rakepick will wait for you and they are the teachers, who will help you when something happens."

MC and Tonks nodded. Everything was ready.

"Thanks, Professor. I think we should go then and..." MC started, but Dumbledore interrupted her.

"There is one thing left, Miss Y/L/N...", revealed he. "Miss Snyde will accompany you."

"WHAT? Merula will..." MC repeated and looked to Tonks. Her mouth was wide open and she stared at Dumbledore.

"Why?", asked Tonks.

"Well, Professor Rakepick asked for it. She thinks it would help Miss Snyde and Miss Y/L/N to become a little closer.", explained Dumbledore and looked in MC's eyes, above his spectacles.

"To become a little closer... That's impossible!" Tonks laughed. She knew that Merlua and MC were rivals and that nothing could change that. MC glared at her from the side. Dumbledore was serious. They had to take Merula into the Forbidden Forest. There was no way around it. Tonks stopped laughing as she recognized that Dumbledore and MC were glancing at her.

"I think you two should go to the Entrance Hall. Miss Snyde is waiting for you there."

Tonks and MC stood up, walked out and went to the Entrance Hall. Dumbledore was right. Merula stood there between the teachers Sprout, McGonagall and Rakepick. After they reached the little group, MC could see the annoyed look on Merula's face.

"Y/L/N." Merula said contemptuously.

"Merula." MC answered.

10 minutes later the three of them were hiking to the Forbidden Forest. They could see the teachers do the same, but they walked in different directions. Nobody said a word. They all were looking to the Forrest and after 5 minutes walking, they reached the entrance.

"Well, let's go." MC voice sounded strong, but inside she was more nervous than she would admit it. It was a difficult task to track and hunt werewolves in the Forbidden Forest. What she wouldn't do for her friends.

They headed inside the Forrest and soon they couldn't see the castle anymore. Everything was silent, except of some creepy voices around them. They heard rustling branches and some unknown creatures.

"Lumos.", whispered Tonks and MC and her wand began to shine. Now they saw much more than before. The Forest in front of them was now illuminated with blue light.

"Let's go and find some werewolves. That'll be fun!" Tonks hopped from one foot to the other. She couldn't wait to get started. But she was probably the only one who was so happy about the situation. MC and Merula looked up nervously in the eyes and Merula could even bring a small smile. Before she realized who she was with in the woods.

Her face darkened again and she looked at Tonks with her annoyed expression and said: "Yeah, much fun, Nymphadora...", she rolled with her eyes.

"Don't call me Nymphadora!", Tonks shouted angry and her hair got red. Merula was about to counter when they heard a loud howl a few yards away.

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