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As Samantha walked home from a hard day at work dealing with stupid customers, annoying customers, creepy customers and everything in between, she couldn't help but think of how great it was going to be to get home and finally be in an environment she didn't have to deal with stupid people anymore. That was thanks in abundance to Scott, and not just because he was a smart guy.

It was because he had been a great roommate over that last two months. He was a great guy overall and was always super helpful around the apartment, and super eager to help out and do what he could. He was probably worried that she would kick him out of the apartment if he started to slack.

Which, of course, she would never do.

Passing by people outside her apartment, Samantha smiled at people on the street she knew. Getting to the gate, she pulled the key out of her purse and unlocked it, pushing it open and shutting it behind her.

On her way up the stairs, she passed the apartment below hers that was always having a loud party, giving a nod and half smile to the few kids standing just outside the open door as she jogged up the last set of stairs.

Pushing open the door, Samantha had only taken two steps inside - enough to close the door behind her - when she looked up and saw a very familiar face standing behind her kitchen counter and making waffles.

She sighed and looked further into the apartment, seeing two unfamiliar men and Scott. Her roommate quickly averted his eyes, looking down.

"Does he know that he doesn't actually live here?" Samantha questioned, looking at Scott, who was still averting his eyes and pointing at Luis.

Luis was Scott's best friend, and they had been cellmates in prison. He had also been the one to pick Scott up from prison, as she had been told. Luis was a nice guy, with a really big heart and seemed to really care about Scott. The thing was, there was a time when Samantha had doubted that he had his own place, since he was always at their apartment.

"Nice to see you, Sam," Luis greeted, "want a waffle?"

"Nice to see you, too, Luis," Samantha greeted him with a smile, "I'd love a waffle."

She dropped her sweater and purse on the couch near the door, tossed her shoes onto the mat next to the door and pulled her long hair out of the ponytail she had it in for work.

"How was work?" Scott asked her.

"Well," Samantha began with a laugh, "my least favourite supervisor was in today and all the most annoying customers came up to me, so very long. How about you, I thought you didn't get off until after me?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, they figured out who I was. Dale fired me," Scott admitted sheepishly.

"Baskin Robbins always finds out," Luis said.

"I told you, my manager would be fine with hiring an ex-con, especially if I recommended you. Apply and you'll probably get a job," Samantha reminded him, collapsing back onto the couch.

"No, no, I'll be fine," Scott said, "thanks, though."

"Anytime. So, who are your friends?" Samantha asked.

Luis gave her a waffle with maple syrup drizzled over the top and pointed to one of the guys sitting at the table in front of a laptop, "that's Kurt, he was in Folsom for three years. He's a wizard with that laptop."

"Nice meet you," Kurt said.

"Likewise," Samantha agreed, turning her attention to the other guy at the table. "And who are you?"


"Right, very descriptive of you," Samantha said, then turned her attention back to Luis. "Why do you have presumably two other ex-cons in my apartment? Are you trying to get Scott in on another job?"

"What? You think I would do something like that?" Luis defended.

"That's exactly what you were trying to do, Luis," Scott said, "and don't worry, Sam, I said I'm out and I'm really out. I'll never see Cassie if I go back to prison."

Cassie was Scott's daughter. She lived with Scott's ex-wife, Maggie. Samantha had heard a lot about Cassie from Scott and she seemed like a really sweet girl. One day, maybe she'd meet the little girl, but for now, Maggie was keeping Scott at a distance and it didn't seem like it would help the situation if she forced her way into that awkward encounter.

"Maybe I should change the locks..." Samantha mused to herself, swiftly changing the subject, "because I have no idea how you keep getting into my apartment without a key, Luis."

"A magician never reveals his tricks," Luis told her with a wink. Samantha simply rolled her eyes.

"Don't even bother," Scott chimed in, "he'd find a way."

"Hey, Scott, Cassie's birthday party is tomorrow, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, why?" Scott asked.

"You get her a gift yet?" she asked.

"No, I was gonna go tomorrow morning before the party," he answered.

"I know a great thrift shop if you want some help," Samantha suggested.

"Yeah, that would be great, actually. Thanks."

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