
43 13 11

Water, water, once so clean,

You now flow with trash in your stream

Water, water, if it comes from me,

I am deeply sorry

Water, water, once so clear.

Now murky your waters seem to appear

Water, water, if it's because of me

Please accept my apology

Water, water, no longer are you free

From the cold grip of humanity

Water, water, dreadfully sorry

Because we've destroyed your glory

Water, water, this much is true

We, as a race, have destroyed you

Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed that! This was an idea that came from the one and only wonko PEACE_OMO_STORIES. I'm accepting prompts and ideas so if you have one pls let me know. Anyway thx for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Poetry by the One and Only Wonko MeWhere stories live. Discover now