You are Blue

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You are blue

The colour of the sky paints your imagination

You are not ignorant

You're free

Your mind bounces from thought to thought,

Always searching for the best in all

Your heart is pure

Your words flow like a brook,

And nobody can say you're not dashing

But your wandering mind often leaves behind

The world that you're still in

Judgments fly past you without you taking notice

But beware young firefly,

Others do

Fractious people may believe more than they should

And they'll leave many an obstical in your path

Your trusting nature may one day get you into trouble

But you won't give way

Your mind's beautiful palace shall envelope you with wisdom when you need it most

And when the hurt of the world crushed others,

You shall dodge the fall

You will rise,

You will still be able to dream

And your heart will remain pure

So don't abandon this world quite yet for yours,

First receive the gifts that the future holds for you

Quiet, Tranquility, and luxury

In the wild hue of Blue

Poetry by the One and Only Wonko MeWhere stories live. Discover now