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mitch paced around waiting for kirstin to arrive

after, what felt like hours to mitch, the guards were going towards the gate and leading kirstin in.

kirstin walked inside and immediately found mitch facing the wall, she went towards him and gave him a hug from the back, which startled mitch "oh hi kirstin! you scared me" kirstin giggle and apologized "i've missed you mitchy!" mitch smiled "i've missed you as well!"

they both went back and forth about how much they've missed each other, until mitch realized why he invited kirstin over. he showed kirstin to the living room and they both sat down and talked "mitchy..what's wrong?" kirstin asked as she saw mitch's smile fade "it's all been complicated kirstie..." kirstin was devastated that her friend was sad, she put her hand on his shoulder "you can tell me mitch..i'm here to listen not argue" kirstin smile made mitch feel at ease.

"kirstin...something at school" mitch went on to tell kirstin
"is someone bullying you?" kirstin asked worried
"no, but i'm sure after my secret is out, they will" kirstin was confused on what mitch was saying "why would someone make fun of you just cause of your secret?"

mitch had to let his secret known to kirstin " mom said that i'm too young to know this..but i know i am" kirstin smiled allowing mitch know that she was supportive of his decisions
mitch took a deep breath before he told kirstin
"kirstie...don't judge me after i tell you this.."
mitch had to take another deep breath before "kirst..i'm gay.." kirstin couldn't help but smile she grabbed mitch and pulled him into a huge hug
"mitchy! its okay! if you're happy then that makes me happy! im glad that you were able to come out to me! i'll always love you no matter what!" kirstin was still hugging mitch until he tapped her telling her to let go. mitch was ready to cry "thank you for everything kirst! thank you for being supportive...I love you kirstie!" mitch then grabbed kirstin and pulled her into a hug crying into her shoulder.

mitch calmed down after a while and they went up into mitch's room and watched spongebob together

after some time mitch fell asleep on kirstin shoulder. kirstin always made mitch feel protected no matter what...and especially now, he was so happy to have kirstin in his life.

kirstin noticed mitch feel asleep on her shoulder..she loved him so much and always wanted to protect him...she knew right know he felt so protected..and that he was also happy, shown by the smile on his face. kirstin loved mitch so much and she was willing to do anything for him.

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