Chapter Two- Nando's

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Chapter Two

Whitney's POV

I woke up the next day with a headache. Fuck. Probably from falling off my bed at 3am this morning. Oh and then my mom coming into my room yelling at me, asking what was going on. She was pissed that I had woken her up. Oh yeah, cause I totally wanted to fall off of my bed in the middle of the night. My bad.

I jumped up and took a shower, washing my long brown hair with apple shampoo and conditioner. I should really get a hair cut, or a trim. After getting dressed and ready, I check my phone to see a message from James on Kik. I smile, he remembered me.

Hello love. Hope you have a wonderful day!xx -James

You too! What are your plans for today? -Whitney

I grabbed my backpack and headed down stairs. My mom sees me and throws me an apple and my car keys.

"Bye Mom." I yell. It's no surprise I don't get a response. I threw my stuff into my car and checked my phone. One new Kik message.

Good morning. Nothing really. Probably going to hang with my mates. You? -James

School. Dreaded school. Then home. Even more dreaded home. -Whitney

I put the key in and drive to school. Turning on the radio, a One Direction song begins playing. Within the first 5 seconds, I can already tell what song it is. Another World. One of my favorites. I drum along to the beat on my steering wheel and sing as I pull into the school parking lot. God, i hate high school. Almost done, thank god. I sit in my Escalade and wait for the song to finish. When it does, I turn off the car and check my phone.

Don't like school or home, love? -James

No. Not really. Long story. -Whitney

I've got time.. :) -James

Yeah, you do. I don't. Gotta go. School's about to start. Bye.xx -Whitney

Bye love. Try and have a good day!xx -James

I might actually have a good day. Wait, I take that back as I see my ex, Brad. Such a cliche name.

"Hey Whitney." Brad said, with a sly smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Hi Brad. What do  you want?" I ask him, walking over to my locker. 34-12-39 OPEN. YES! I hate it when you get one number wrong, and can't open the damn locker. I put my books in and turn back to Brad, giving him a 'Well?!' look.

"Oh. Right. Sorry. I was wondering what you were doing this weekend?" he asks me, holding onto his backpack that's hanging off of one shoulder.

I smirk, "Going to my grandma's." I turn around and grab my books. Walking away, I hear Brad yell after me,

"But your grandma's dead!"

I yell back, "EXACTLY!" I walk into my Art class. Man if there is a class I suck worse in, its a tie between Art and Math.

"Class take your seats. Today we will be painting this bowl of fruit." my art teacher told us. Shit. You've got to be kidding me. I raised my hand.

"Yes Whitney?" She asked me.

"I'm not feeling too well. May I be excused?" I asked. She nods. HECK YES. I leave the classroom and back to my locker. I'm out of here. I put my stuff back in, head to the office and checkout, forging my mum's signature. I get into my car and turn on the radio. Nando's it is. 

Kik Me (One Direction Fanfic) (Completed w/ Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now