Chapter Nine- Hello 'James'

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Chapter Nine

Whitney's POV

I read the Kik message again.

Go to the O2 arena ticket booth at 5pm. When you get to where they take your tickets, ask for Laura. Tell her you are with James. She'll know what to do. Let me know when you've gotten to Laura. Any problems, message me right away! -James

I looked up at the group of screaming girls. I was smart and put in ear plugs before I got there. It was only 5pm and the concert didn't start until 7pm. I was a bit flabbergasted at the amount of girls that were already here. About 20,000 people would be here tonight to see them. Crazy. My eyes scanned across the arena until I saw the big sign that said 'TICKET BOOTH' and walked towards it and sure enough, the people who took your tickets, were standing behind it.

I walked up to the first door that was open, since the ticket booth people were trying to hold people back. I was able to sneak past and I took out my ear plugs. Oof probably shouldn't have done that. "Excuse me. You need to go back to behind the ticket booth. We are not taking tickets." I see a lady tell me. "Erm I'm here to see Laura? I'm with James." I say, hoping I'm not making a fool of myself. She looks me up and down. "Name?" she asks. "Whitney. Whitney Foster." I say and show her my id, just in case. She glances at it and then back at me and nods. 

"Follow me." she says. I watch her as I walk behind her. Shes about 5 feet maybe an inch taller. Short, shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes and she was petite. I noticed that she was dressed like everyone else: red buttoned tshirt, black pants and black shoes, with a name tag. I looked down at my outfit: red and white quarter sleeve shirt with the british flag that says :What Makes You Beautiful; red skinny jeans, black 1D Toms, and a big black purse that goes over your head. I got so caught up in my outfit that I didn't notice when we had stopped. "Oof!" I say as I walked into the lady's back. I looked at her nametag: Laura. Ah. So this is Laura. "Sorry." I say sheepishly. She gives me a look. Well sorry not sorry. She gestures for me to follow her and I do, watching if we stop. 

We stop backstage at a couch. Seriously, a couch. It was a red couch that was just sitting in the middle of the floor. "You are to wait here. James will meet with you after the concert. Enjoy." she says and walks away. "THANK YOU!" I yell after her, and plop myself on the couch. I let out a sigh and lay down on the couch. I close my eyes. I can't believe I'm at a One Direction concert and I'm laying on a couch. Where the hell is my excitement?? I sit up and take off my purse putting it on the floor. The only thing in it is my makeup. I put my money and phone-- JAMES! I pull out my phone and sent him a message.

James! Sorry I didn't message you! I found Laura and now I'm backstage. Thank you sooo much! Can't wait to meet you after the concert. -Whitney

I sent it and laid back down on the couch. I guess I had fallen asleep cause I heard some rustling and then peircing screams! OUCH! WHY MUST YOU SCREAM IN MY EARS?! I open my eyes and my ears are met with music. One Direction music. I sit up on the couch and look to my right. I screamed. Thousands of girls were staring at me, the screaming had ceased. My scream echoed across the arena. Why the hell am I on stage?! 

I look behind me and see the opening credits to their little show. I realized I'm sitting on the couch they use in the show. Holy shit. I stand up and the screams come flying at me. Why are they screaming at me?! "HARRY MARRY ME!" I hear a random girl yell. Harry? Harry Styles? Oh girl, good luck. Your competition is probably with every girl around you.

Wait. Why would she say Harry's name if he's not... Crap. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I'm hesitant to turn around but I do. I'm met with bright emerald green eyes. "Ello love." Harry Styles says into the microphone, his voice booming through out the arena which causes even louder screams. I cringe and grab my ear plugs out of my pockets and quickly insert them into my ears. Harry winks at me, "Smart lady." I gulp and look behind him to see the 4/5 of One Direction standing behind him.

Kik Me (One Direction Fanfic) (Completed w/ Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now