Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


Not everyone passed the test, but most did (surprisingly but barely including Ruff). Those who failed (of course) were those girls who could barely read, having no decent education system in their small village. The girls who failed were allowed to stay for the ball but were no longer considered options for the prince, who could override that suggestion if he wanted.

Basically, I found out, the test was pointless.

I wasn't happy but neither did I complain.

The ball was being held at the end of the week, giving the many hired seamstresses from all over the kingdom just a few days to finish the dresses for us village folk and the rich girls who wanted a new dress. They had gotten most of our measurements the first week we arrived, but we hadn't seen or heard about the dresses since.

And I wish it could have stayed that way.

The seamstresses gushed at the pretty girls, not taking as much care as those they deemed not as pretty. Which included me when they found out I didn't talk. Sadly, Astrid and Heather made sure they took as much care of me as they did them.

Astrid laughed at the glare I sent her way. All she said in defense was, "You deserve to be treated equally. Besides, you'll thank me for this."

I let out another yelp as a needle pricked my skin, and I knew I would never be doing this again. It was stupid to base eligibility for marriage on looks and silks. The prince shouldn't pick a pretty face to stand by his side, he should marry for love, regardless of social status.

"Hold still," the seamstress barked. I sighed, having been told that for the millionth time despite not moving. She was the one doing a sloppy job.

Giving a final huff a few agonizing minutes later, I jumped off the stool, earning a shout of protest from the seamstress who hadn't finished yet. I was careful to avoid the needles still stuck in the dress before undoing the strings, letting it fall to my ankles. I re-positioned my shirt and shook my pant legs down.

"How barbaric!"

Many of the other girls had different responses, using their hands to muffle their laughs. Some even managing to fake it as coughs.

I couldn't wait for this stupid ball to be over.


"No way!" Hiccup laughed as the girls told him what I did the day before.

"She did! She jumping right off and discarded her dress!"

Ruff added, "In front of everyone! It was awesome."

"I bet. I would have loved to see that," he hinted, looking suggestively at me.

I scoffed, playfully pushing his shoulder away.

"Sorry to disappoint, but she had clothes on underneath," Astrid revealed. "It didn't help her situation, but it probably made it less embarrassing."

They broke off into another fit of giggles and laughter. Blushing, I joined them, finding the thought funny as well. Harley demanded Hiccup's attention, coloring from his lap.

"Yeah, that's amazing, bud!" he cooed. "So beautiful. Um, that's the right thing to say, right?" he asked me, uncertain.

Us girls laughed again as I nodded, letting him relax and congratulate Harley again.

We relaxed and had fun just talking (well, the others talked), as Harley bounced from person to person, focusing mostly on Hiccup and I. Overall, it was the perfect way to spend the night before the ball.


The day of the ball was chaotic. The morning was spent waiting for the seamstresses to finish last few girls' (which unfortunately included myself) dresses. Then we practiced dancing in the stupid dresses in an empty room as the ball room was being set up for that night.

After practice, most girls let the make-up people suffocate their faces with make-up. Some literally looked like porcelain dolls, wearing so much make-up. Some wore a decent amount, making their eyes and lips pop out and their cheeks rosy. I ducked into the hall, skipping out on make-up. It wasn't my thing.

I didn't get the chance to visit Harley, but Heather and Ruff had stayed with him while my dress was being finished and Kylie was able to sneak off to give him lunch.

We weren't the first to arrive at the ball, but neither were we the last. We shuffled around the ballroom for an hour before the king and queen's arrival were announced. People cheered and clapped as they walked in. They acted like the attention was too much but also not enough, passing compliments to the noble girls they knew.

"Astrid, Heather, Ruff," the king greeted.

"Hello, Stoick," Astrid greeted, using the king's given name.

"You all look lovely," the queen gushed, hugging Astrid and Heather.

"Thank you."

She turned to Kylie and me. "And who might you lovely ladies be?"

"I- I'm Kylie, and this is Silence, your majesty."

Her eyebrows furrowed at my name. "Silence? That's an odd name."

Ruff couldn't hold back her laugh, earning a glare from the king.

"She doesn't talk," Heather explained, "so we call her Silence."

"Ah, well you look beautiful, Silence."

I nodded my thank you.

The king was quick to guide his wife away, disliking my obvious differences.

It was another half hour of mingling pointlessly until the prince arrived. Or, in my case, standing awkwardly against the wall with Ruff, who hated her dress as much as I hated mine. Actually, maybe more.

Her brother and the other guys were with Astrid, Heather, Kylie, talking a foot away. The music was soft enough to let us overhear their conversation, but we weren't in the mood to join them.

"This sucks," Ruff groaned.

I nodded.

"I hate this stupid dress!"

I nodded.

"And these stupid shoes! Gosh, how do girls wear these stupid things?" She yanked off her high heels, glancing at me. "How can you stand them?"

With a smirk, I lifted my floor length dress high enough to reveal my feet without drawing attention. Ruff gasped at what she saw, smirking. I lowered it back down.

"You mischievous little genius! Why didn't I think of that?"

"Think of what?" her brother asked.

"Nothing," she quickly answered. Her brother shrugged it off, not caring enough to call her out.

When the prince's arrival was finally announced, I was surprised. I hadn't been expecting to hear a familiar name, let alone see a familiar face.

"Introducing Prince Hiccup Haddock III!"

Walking confidently through the door, with a nervous Harley at his side (which shocked many people), came Hiccup.

Scanning the crowd, he quickly caught my gaze.


Silence (How To Train Your Dragon AU) (Hiccup x reader OC)Where stories live. Discover now