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Narrator: In the beginning, in the timeless realms, there was only One: The Merciless Hunger, a force that consumed all life that desired to break free. It was the First Carnivore. But in the greatest miracle of all, the First Life found a way to escape; the selfless amongst them sacrificed themselves to fight the Merciless Hunger, so that their brethren could live on. These were the Dragon Muses. In time, the stronger dragons rejected the selflessness that had birthed them, and instead oppressed the weaker dragons to stave off the Merciless Hunger, growing rich yet vain. Only the great dragon Batova was brave enough to fight against this oppression. He opened the eyes of the others to the realization that they were too riddled with sin and greed. Knowing that the Dragon Muses were an imperfect race, Batova created the first humans, a race that was more naturally inclined towards selflessness, and was less tempted towards power. These humans were given life through the dreams of dragons; in their slumber, they gave rise to a new and foreign realm: the realm of Time.

But the dragon trickster Avadi- the strongest and most prideful of them all- was jealous of the humans, and sought to destroy them. Batova and his Four Generals gave their lives to seal Avadi away. They fell into an eternal slumber, marking the beginning of the world of humans. But Avadi's power, Sadistyx, was not fully imprisoned, and it tempted the human descendants of the Four Generals, the Nobles, into taking the land for themselves. The First Humans were dependent on the dragons for guidance; now, they had to live on their own. Only by swearing obedience to the God Batova were the humans able to repent for their sins and resist the will of Sadistyx, prospering in peace on the continent of Myonkos. Each human was given an inescapable destiny to ensure a harmonious world; should this destiny somehow be defied, unpredictable and dangerous consequences would eventuate.

One day, a noble disobeyed these laws, and set forth a malignant Curse upon the Four Kingdoms, plaguing the commoners with an unspeakable illness, terrifying them with Cursed Beasts, and enslaving three kingdoms under the Vanot Empire. Legends proclaimed that only one could stop the Curse: Princess Rivia, a young descendant of Tarkla, the Red Dragon General. But before she could reach her destiny, she disappeared.

Over three hundred years have passed, and all hope seems to be lost for Myonkos...





[A thin 11-year-old boy with curly, wavy orange hair, dressed in rags, runs through the dirty streets. Everywhere, people are coughing. They live in squalor; beggars litter the streets, most disfigured and in pain. For hundreds of years, the Cursed plague has caused much suffering and despair.]

Vanot soldier: STOP THAT KID! HE'S A THIEF!

Young Josef: [Panting] Damn, they've sent more guys after me this time. [He runs into an alleyway to hide, but trips.] Ow!

[He looks up and sees a mean looking kid with a buzz cut, wearing a worn white shirt and grey work pants, crouching over him. The mean looking kid stands up to walk away, and then leans against a wall while smoking a pipe. Josef pushes himself up and glares at the stranger.]

Young Josef: Yo, a little help here?

Mean looking kid: ...

Young Josef: Oh, so that's how it is. Too scared to fight against Vanot?

Mean looking kid: I've got no business with 'em.

Young Josef: Don't kid yourself. Everyone's got business with Vanot. That's cuz they try to own everything we've got. Why you out here on the streets, anyways? I'm betting they kicked your family out of your own home.

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