Baby Shower

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6 months later....

After 6 months of pregnancy it was time for Petra to have her baby shower she was very excited she would get to pick names, play games and lots of other stuff she and Jesse had much to do to prepare for the  special occasion. Shortly after they got done preparing the guests arrived, everyone was there even Stella. First thing was they chose names (including a very special one) Petra picked a few she liked Jesse did the same then they played the rest of the games and then they finally ate. After many hours of fun the party was over despite not moving around that much Petra was super tired "fun time huh?" Jesse asked, Petra chuckled "yeah" she said, she took his hand and placed it on her stomach, Jesse smiled feeling the kicks of his son or daughter he could hardly wait to meet them

To be continued...

A/N sorry this was a little short but I'm super tired and a little heads up there will only be 2 chapters left of this book but I will make a sequel if you guys want. Have a nice day pease ☮️

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