Color gas

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Name:Color Gas


Able to create large amounts of poison ness has that can vary on effects depending on the color of the gas it can have different effects on the opponent

*Red is a flammable gas that can be ignited and blow up

*White has can cause temporary blindness

*Green can weaken a persons physical abilities and after to much exposure and bring them to their knees

*Blue enhances the quirks of who ever inhales it the more gas inhaled will determine their boost in their strength

*Purple will slowly kill any creature who inhaled the gas causing major couching and lung damage at first but after awhile it can cause total organ shutdown

*She/He isn't immune to the effects of his own gases and can be just as hurt

*Red is hard to control and could heavily damage him and the environment

Special Attack One:Black Fog
After combining all the gases together the user can create a black fog that can kill the user and any unlucky people who breath in the deadly gas with only one breathe

Special Attack Two:Rainbow Fog
After combining all the gases together with the user can also decide to create a healing fog that will almost instantly heal wounds while taking an enormous amount of stamina to do.

*User is advices to use a gas mask to avoid any negative affects

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