Songbooks and Bowling

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"I have this," I handed Sammy the leather bound book that had become my greatest possession this past year. 

"Songbook?" Sammy asked as he began to flip through the pages.

"Yeah," I said. "If we really want to do this, we're going to do it my way. My song. You'll be featuring."

"I don't know about this, Stevie," Sammy said, closing my book. "I mean, I feel like we're rushing this a little."

"Sammy," I shook my head. "I'm not professing my love to you. I'm trying to help you get back on your feet. Unless, you want to work here for the rest of your life."

"No, I don't, trust me, but what about the rest of the guys?" Sammy said with unease.

I sighed, "You really want to know?"

He nodded. "My manager was gossiping the other day. Matthew is not planning on renewing the contract. Party 'Til Dawn is probably done."

"Which means I'm done," Sammy said.

"No, it doesn't," I shrugged. "James is going off with his new band. Lucas is traveling the world playing music festivals. And Zach and Brad are planning to make their return any minute now. You're up."

"This song you want us to do," Sammy held up my book. "Everyone will know the truth about us."

"Sammy," I paused. "I'm done with other people telling our story. This time, we're telling it."


"Mom?" I called, walking into the kitchen. "Has anything come yet? A present of package or anything?"

"Stevs," my mother spoke in that calm, controlled tone of hers. "You've asked me how many times today? Nothing's come for you, sweetheart. What are you expecting?"

"Nothing, nothing," I said, brushing the question away. "I'm going to go up."

My mother nodded, absent-mindily as she flipped through the mail.

Lindsey called only minutes after: "Hey, Stevs, come out with us!"

"Who's there?" I asked her. 

"Uh, me, Brady, Lizzie, Jackson...we're going bowling!"

"Um," I glanced at the clock. 7:45. "I don't know, Linds. Sammy said he had a surprise coming in for me tonight. I kinda want to be here for it."

"He wasn't at school today though?"

"Yeah, I don't know. I texted him a couple times and he isn't answering."

"Okay, well it sounds to me like your boyfriend is being a pain. So, why don't you come hang out with us for once! You and Sammy have been joined at the hip lately; maybe this is a good thing. We can get some girl time and you can rant to me about how annoying Sammy's being!"

"I don't know..."

"Pretty please, Stevs. I love you."

"Ughh, okay fine. I'll meet you there?"

"Yes! Eight o' clock!"

I hung up and sighed. Where was Sammy? I just couldn't deal with this shadiness right now. I grabbed my jacket and keys and went back downstairs.

"Oh! Stevie, I almost forget, I'm supposed to make you watch--" My mom turned the corner with the biggest smile on her face.

"I'm so sorry, Mama," I said, walking past her, brushing our fingers past. "Lindsey's making me bowling with them. Show me whatever it is next time!"

"Wait, Stevie!" 

But I was already out the door.


I brought Sammy back to LA somehow, but he refused to see anyone. This was a problem. I needed to get him in the recording studio, but everytime I brought up BoomMusic Sammy threw a fit. He wouldn't go.

Sammy stayed in my guest room for the next couple days while I devised a plan to record the song. No one knew he was there. He stayed out in the open most of the time, watching TV or reading at the kitchen table. He rarely spoke to me first and kept to himself.

Lindsey called my cell several times that week, wondering when I'd be back so I could tell her what happened. I lied and told her I was visiting famliy before seeing Sammy and I'd be back soon. Since she was neighbor, I just kept the lights off at night. I didn't feel like explaining to her why Sammy was staying over.

It was seven days when I felt like giving up. Sammy was too anxious to go anywhere and I was tired of sitting and waiting. It was clear he didn't want to risk seeing Matthew or the boys or anyone at BoomMusic for that matter. So, new plan. I just had to take him somewhere we could both trust.

The solution came to me and it seemed to easy. I called Val.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hey, girl!" Val said. "Heard a little rumor you went home. How was it?"

"Uh, good," I said with unease. Val could sense it.

"Stevie?" she said. "You sound like you're lying to me right now. That's the voice you make when you lie."

I sighed, "You promise you won't tell a soul?"

"Pinky promise," Val said, her voice filling with concern.

"Sammy's at my house."


"Actually," I clarified. "He's living at my house."

"Excuse me?! What is going on?"

I proceeded to quickly explain the situation to Val. "So why do you need me?" Val asked.

"We need to record the song. Sammy refuses to go to Boom, so I was wondering if we could use your space."

"Of course, Stevs," Val said. "There's only one problem. You can't record the song at my place under your name. You're bound to BoomMusic. We could all get in serious trouble if you're recording with a different label."

This was a problem. "So, what do we do?"

"Well," Val said. "There's only one solution I can really think of. But, I don't know how much you're going to like it."

"I really want to record this song. Whatever it takes."

I could hear Val inhale sharply. "'ll have to release the song under Sammy's name. You would be featured."

That wasn't part of the plan. "But, isn't Sammy bound by contract too?"

"Actually, no. Party 'Til Dawn is, but Sammy Wilson is not. You two can record here, but it's going to have to be his song."

I stepped out of my room and glanced into the family room. Sammy was sitting on the couch, scribbling fiercely into a journal, humming quietly to himself. His face was all scrunched up in concentration. Just looking at him, I felt my body fill with heat. How could someone hurt you so much but fill you with so much love at the same time?

"It's called a soulmate."

"What?" I reazlied I had spoken out loud, just loud enough for Val to here.

"Sammy. You know he's your soulmate, Stevs. You're meant to be together."

I knew Sammy would never take my song. He was above taking credit for someone else's work. But something inside me compelled me so much to write this song. So much so that I would give it up to him.

"Okay," I whispered into the phone. "We'll do it."

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