Break Ups and Secrets

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"STEVIE!" A pair of fingers snapped in front of my face.

"Wha..." I was sitting in a practice room. The last thing I remembered was leaving lunch and having to come in here to wait for the boys.

James pulled his hand back. "Where were you? You missed the meeting."

"Uh, I thought the meeting was here." I said.

"No, it was in Hannah's office."

I sighed in frustration. "Damn it, what did I miss?"

"Nothing important. Trust me, it was just some boring contract stuff with Hannah. We had to agree on money terms and stuff." He assured me.

"Okay." I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Stevie, are you all right? You seem a little distant," James observed me. "Is it about opening? I kind of getting the feeling you were pushed into it."

"No, I want to open," I assured him. "I'm just really nervous about it."

"Alright," He smiled. "If you ever need anything, you can just tell me."

I nodded and James promptly left the room. I sat there for a couple minutes staring out the doorway before collecting my things. Time to go home.

I left the building and headed towards my car. I unlocked it and had almost got in when I heard a voice. "Hey, Stevie!"

"Hey Lucas!" I waved him over. "You heading out?"

"Yeah," He admitted. "It gets kind of boring around here. Plus, Hannah is very annoying."

I laughed. I didn't know Hannah well enough to judge myself, but Lindsey didn't seem to be the biggest fan of her either. Mental note: stay away from Hannah when you can. 

"Anyways, I'm going to Starbucks to grab a coffee. You coming?"

I had dazed out for a moment and had barely heard his proposition.


"Oh, yeah sure!" I snapped back into reality. "I'll meet you at the one down the street?" Lucas nodded and headed towards his car.

I started my car and drove to Starbucks. It wasn't too busy and the line was short. Two minutes later, Lucas arrived and stood by me. We got our drinks and sat down at a table in the back corner.

"So," Lucas stirred his iced coffee with the straw. "What do you think about the other boys?"

"I like them," I said, taking a sip of my latte. "They're all very nice."

Lucas watched me for a moment.



"Why are you staring at me?!" I asked.

He shrugged, "the first day we met, you kind of rushed out of the room all weird. I was just wondering what the story was."

Oh boy. I knew this moment would come.

"No reason," I lied. "I was just overwhelmed by seeing you guys." 

"Why did you really? You can tell me. I won't tell a single soul!" Lucas insisted.

I took a deep breath. Should I tell him? Could I trust one of Sammy's best friends? Lucas didn't seem to know the back story, which gave me the impression that Sammy hadn't told anyone about our past. But Lucas didn't look like he was going to let me escape and I was under the impression I had no choice. 

"Okay..." I bit my lip. Lucas leaned forward in his seat.

"Sammy and I used to know one another. When we were kids, of course," I said.

"Wait, what," Lucas leaned back in his seat. "But, Sammy is from Ohio. You knew him back in Ohio?"

I nodded. "We met in the seventh grade and became fast friends. He was my best guy friend. Besides Lindsey, I was the closest with Sammy. 

"Sammy asked me out in 8th grade, to the 8th grade Christmas dance. We started dating a month after, when we had our first kiss. Everyone was surprised, but when I look back now, I realized we were always meant to date. It didn't last long though.

"In our freshman year, Sammy learned I could sing. I've always known he could sing...within the first hour we met. But my voice was a surprise to him. When he found out, he wanted me to share my voice with others, but I refused. I did not sing in front of people. He somehow convinced me to participate in a talent show. We sang a One Direction song. It was the first time I had ever sang in front of people.

"The next year, 10th grade, something happened. We had just finished a movie at my house and I had walked him to the front door. He was getting ready to leave and he turned around and kissed me and said, "I'll always love you and I'll miss you." I was so confused. He told me he had a big surprise for me, but he wouldn't be there to personally give it to me the next day.

"The next day, I waited for the surprise. I asked me parents every 10 minutes if any packages or mail had come for me. Nothing came. And neither did Sammy. Sammy never came back to my house. Or school. I never saw him again until now. I always assumed he broke up with me."

Lucas looked at me with disbelief. "No...Sammy is too nice! He's never broken up with a girl in his life...but he did also tell us he never had a girlfriend..."

"That's why I ran away. I was too afraid to face him." I said, pretty ashamed.

Lucas patted my back. "Hey, it's not your fault. Let me just talk to Sammy. I can figure this whole thing out."

"No!" I shot up. "You can't say anything to him. It's okay. I don't want him back."

Lucas raised his eyebrows. "Okay...but if you ever need anything, just tell me. I'm here for you."

I smiled. But deep inside, I was very nervous. My secret was out.

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