A Strange Feeling

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Uraraka POV
'U.A high the school for once in my life I liked going to school. I never really been good with school, until I started U.A I love it here. I love my classes, especially the hero ones, but I also really love seeing my friends' I thought as I was walking towards the school, thinking about the things I was gonna do today when all the sudden I bumped into someone "ah I'm so s-" I look up to see Deku! "Ah, Deku!" I say in relief thinking it was someone I didn't know. I was scared that they would get mad but I know Deku won't get mad since he's so nice and sweet.

"U-uraraka I'm so sorry!" He says as he helps me up "it's ok Deku I wasn't watching where I was going" I smile at him and we ended up walking to class together. We went trou all the main classes like English, math, and others, once we got to our hero course class Mr.Aizawa told us to go get in our hero costumes and meet him in the training yard.

Midoriya POV
'OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I can't believe that I bump into Uraraka and made her fall sure that was this morning but still I feel bad for bumping into her plus I felt other stuff too' I thought as I walk towards the boys locker room to put my hero costume on still in though that I bump into uraraka. I was so in though that I didn't even notice stepping on Mashirao tail until "OW MIDORIYA!" "ahh! Mashirao I'm so sorry!".

Narrator POV
Midoriya continued to apologize to Mashirao, cheeks as pink as a pig and as much as Mashirao said it was ok Midoriya would still mutter about him being really sorry.

After they all got in their hero costumes they all meet with Mr.Aizawa waiting for his command, Midoriya couldn't help but notice the close girl with pink cheeks staring directly at him.

At the end, they did a few exercises and went back to change to there regular uniform to get ready to go home. On the way home Midoriya saw Kirishima who was shaking like he just seen a ghost he wondered what happened but decided that it wasn't any of his business so he keeps walking home. As he walked home he felt the air go through his curly green hair, the sunset shining on his cute freckles that were above the smile on his face, but something made his smile disappear the thought of bumping into Uraraka this morning turned Izukus knees into jelly. He couldn't get the thought of letting her fall, not just that but when he bumped into her, he felt her upper private body part touch his chest. It was a feeling Izuku couldn't stop thinking about, It was the real reason he was still so fluttered about what happened that morning. Even though Izuku try to get it off his mind so hard it wouldn't work everything would just come back to that though, but there was still one question on his mind that he couldn't get off no matter how hard he tried,

'why did it feel so good?'

Uraraka POV
The school was over and I was really hoping that I could find Deku to invite him over to my house when all of the sudden I saw Kirishima completely frozen, his whole body was shaking, his eyes were wide open, his whole face was pale like he just seen a ghost. I was about to go ask him what was wrong when all the sudden I see Deku past right by him, maybe he decided it wasn't any of his business. After that, I decided that it wasn't my business either so I left the oddly weird frozen Kirishima alone wondering what could have happened to him

Narrator POV

While Uraraka was walking to her house the wind was blowing thru her hair, the sunset was shining her pink cheeks and a worried look was plastered on her face. Many questions were running tru her head, like 'why didn't deku ask Kirishima what was wrong' or 'should I've asked?' 'Why didn't I chase after Deku?' She couldn't stop asking these things when all the sudden the vision of accidentally bumping into Deku this morning pop inside her head, the feeling of her private upper area touching his chest 'that feeling, why did it feel good?' She asked herself now her cheeks turning pinker than usual.

Izuku and Uraraka both walked to their houses with 1 simple question


Alright so that's my 1st Chapter for this story hope you like it

If you have some ideas please text me them cause I suck when it comes to fanfiction (normally cause I like to write original stories (with my OC))

Yah hope you enjoy if u see that I wrote something wrong please tell me cause well I'm not a very good speller when it comes to English since it's not my main language


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