Diecide Sword

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Li Tian Jin does not return to the ice palace right away. He first stops at ever blooming cherry blossom hill. He glances at his mothers grave. He got what he needed from Yanda. Although, he doesnt like using her in this way, he now has calm returned to him and can think to himself. That's all he wants right now. To just have the ability to think without anyone else telling him, directing him or influencing his next move. He closes his eyes and breathes in the cold fresh air and catches the sent of cherry blossoms in the air. He knows now what he has to do, he just doesnt know why yet.

He returns to the palace and soon after, he crosses paths with Ka Suo.  He asks him for a reward, for the diecide sword.  Ka Suo accepts, but Li Tian Jin is not surprised, he knew that he would.  They head to cherry blossom hill, where his mothers grave is.  He wonders why the sword is being stored here and asks this to Ka Suo.  "It was my brothers sword, I hoped to never see it again.  It was the cause of so much pain.  I store it here because this tree reminds me of my brother.  This spot seemed to mean something to him."  Li Tian Jin wonders again whether he has the whole story.  He realises that he probably doesn't.  But it doesnt matter anymore.  He only wants to follow his heart.  He isn't prince Shi anymore.  He doesn't want to be.  He decided earlier in the day that he doesn't want to be bound by his past anymore.  He just needs to find a way to cut off his past completely, which also means getting rid of this curse he has.  

His brother materializes the sword right in front of him and hands it over.  As he does so, the voices come back screaming.  Damn it!  He thinks.  He feels the familiar moves come to him and maneuvers the sword around himself like a dance hoping the exersion will quiet his mind.  

"You seem so familiar with the sword, much like my brother."  With that Li Tian Jin turns on his brother and attacks.  Ka Suo avoids his attacks easily.  Li Tian Jin's mind is in turmoil.  He can't  seem to escape this.  Though, when he hears two women screaming Ka Suo's name, it is just enough distraction for him to take back control for a moment.  He steps back with his eyes still on Ka Suo, lowers his sword and dissappears from cherry blossom hill with the sword.

He reappears in Yan Da's tent.  There is no doubt, he needs her.  She isnt there, her tent is empty. He looks around at the opulence for a few minutes and then decides to take a seat to examine the sword further.  He runs his hand along the flat of the blade.  Although this used to be his sword, he doesn't remember it.  It's quite heavy and very beautiful despite it's frightful decor.  Voices suddenly slam into his head urging him to return and fight Ka Suo.  He doubles over in pain still gripping the sword which is now on the floor with him. 

He doesnt know how long he has been on the floor when a strong pair of hands pulls him up from under his arms like a child.  He feels himself being carried and placed on a soft bed.  But his eyes are screwed shut from the pain.  His head is lifted and under is placed something warm and soft.  A cold compress is placed on his forhead.  After a while, calm returns and he opens his eyes to see Yan Da looking down at him with worry.  He realizes it's her lap his head is resting on.  He tries to get up but she pulls him back down.  "Now is not the time for bravery, you have nothing to prove with me.  Now stay down or I'll give you something to worry about."  He scoffs at this, but lays back down and shuts his eyes again and sleeps peacefully for the first time since he can remember.

Li Tian Jin later wakes to the first rays of sunlight.  It's still dark out, but he feels very rested.  He is still lying in Yan Da's lap.  She is asleep leaning against the bedpost.  He shifts, which wakes her instantly, so he sits up.  He rests his hand on her cheek and leans his head forward closing his eyes until his forhead is resting on hers. He just breaths calmly. "Thank you." She doesnt answer, but shuts her eyes as well and breaths with him, a small smile forming on her lips.  She has waited too long to hear any gratitude from him or any kind word from this cold hearted man.  Her heart has always belonged to him but even more so now.

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