Telling Him

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This video is not mine.
Time skip 1 week~

Midoria's POV:
Todoroki and I haven't talked since the bathroom. For the past couple days my flu has been getting worse. I haven't been able to leave the toilet because of my puking. I hear the door bell ring and a muffled Uraraka's voice. I can hear her heading up the stairs. *knock *knock "May I come in?" she asks quietly. "Yeah! Come on in!" I manage to shout from the bathroom. I change into the clothes my mom set out on the counter of the bathroom. I walk out of the bathroom to find a sad Uraraka. She looks like she's about to cry. "H-how have you been? Is it really bad?" she asks with a frown on her face. "I'm okay I'm just throwing up a lot," I say with a slight smile to easy the mood. I notice she's holding a bag in her hand. "what's that?" I ask her pointing to it. She gives it to me and I look inside. There's another pregnancy test. "W-why is there..." my voice trails off. I look at Uraraka, she has a frown on her face and is wearing a pink shirt saying "Love always" on it she's wearing jeans and sneakers. She looks at me nervously while saying, "We should check one more time just to make sure! If it showing negative again then I won't bother with it anymore." I nod at her and go to the bathroom. I take the test and come out as we wait we talk about how cute her and Iida look together. I take the test in my hand already guessing it's negative. I drop the test and feel something warm on my cheeks. Uraraka looks confused and holds the test results. She hugs me as tight as possible for a while saying stuff like "don't worry" and "It's not that bad". I eventually get up. I run downstairs and find my mom's still there. I give her a hug and she looks surprised saying, "Izuku w-what's wrong? What's with the hugging?" "hey mom, you-you're getting a g-grandchild e-early," I whisper in her ear. She starts to cry and I don't know what to do when I hear her ask me the saddest question right now. "Who's the father, Izuku?" she asks quietly. "His name is Todoroki and he-he's my crush," I say my voice cracking at the last part. "Well I'm glad you like the father of your child," she says smiling happily. I smile back and see Uraraka in the corner of my eye. My mom tells me we should notify the school, but I disagreed I didn't want the school to know until it was necessary. I decided that I would tell Todoroki soon, but I'm not sure when. I go to a doctor's office to have a check up. They said everything was normal, but he wanted to make sure the baby would be okay since omega's don't usually get pregnant. I am to start going to check up's every other week. The day after the doctor appointment I go to school. Everyone asks if I'm feeling well, I just nod saying I caught the flu. At lunch Todoroki doesn't sit by us and I feel a little sad. At our table is Kirishima, Kac-chan, Iida, Uraraka, and myself. I tell the others that I'm pregnant and who the father was, but asked them not to say anything.
Time skip 1 week~
I still haven't told Todoroki that I'm pregnant and the distance between us has grown more. Though that is sad, at least the others are being nice and even Kac-chan is being nice which is kinda weird. There's a party coming up that I decided was when I told Todoroki. On the day of the dance I get really nervous. I start to wonder how will he react? Will he want me to keep the baby? Maybe it's better if he didn't known. Man, this is confusing. I snap out of my thoughts by Uraraka as she looks at me saying with a pout, "You were rambling again!" "I-I'm sorry," I say repeatedly. She says I'm fine and I remember what we were doing. We were picking out an outfit for me that wouldn't show I've been gaining weight. We end up choosing a white button-up shirt with blue jeans and a jacket. The dance is casual so I feel better about the outfit. When we arrive at the dance I look around. I barely spot Todoroki in the corner of the room I tell Uraraka where I'm going before so she doesn't worry. I step upfront of Todoroki and I feel like a mess. I know I'm blushing hard enough anyone could see and I have my fingers at the end of my jacket pulling it down. I look at Todoroki and start to speak, "T-Todoroki can-can you come with me, please?" I asked as polite as possible he looks a little shocked, which kinda hurt, but started to follow me. I walk into a room that looks like a guest room. I sit down on the bed and start to talk. I say with a quiet voice, "Y-you know how we, I'm how we d-did it?" He just nods and slightly blushes. That's o cute but for later. I start talking again but am cut off by Todoroki saying, "I won't tell anyone if that's what your thinking. I know it was just a mistake in your mind." I feel tears fall from my eyes and think does he really think it was a mistake? I might think that it was an accident but not a mistake. I see Todoroki shocked when he see the tears. I don't want him to see me like this but what can I do? "I-I'm sorry Midoria.I didn't mean to make you cry," I could hear his voice break at the end. I shake my head while saying, "Don't be, but even so I have to tell you something. You might be upset that I hid this from you or you won't want anything to do with them but..." my voice trails off. "I want to hear what you have to say," Todoroki says to me.

Don't you just hate cliff hangers. Don't worry I will post the other either later today or tomorrow.

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