Confusing feelings

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I'm gonna try my best with writing today! I hope that you like it and thanks for your support! 😄

Izuku's POV:
I wake up and feel so comfortable not wanting to move. I feel something warm and realize someone's arms are around me. I smell the scent of Todoroki and relax once more before remembering what happened yesterday. I tried to slip out of his arms but he held on to strong. I look at his face and see why he holding on. He has his eyes closed with tears and sweat falling down his face. I start to try to wake him up, my voice quiet. "Shoto wake up." I say it quiet, the next a little louder, "Shoto... Wake up. What's wrong?" As I start to wipe his tears he starts to stir. I his his forehead and his eyes flutter open, still crying. He grabs my hand and whispers in a weak, desperate voice, "Izuku... Please don't leave with the baby. I'll be good to you and protect you from my father, I promise!" I smile knowing he will keep every word. I slowly lean in and kiss his soft lips. He kisses back and we only break to breathe.
           I realize our position, him holding me and me on top of him, and start to blush. Shoto looks at me confused and I think he got it because he started to blush as well and released me. I felt cold with the sudden loss of touch. As I start to get up I hear the door open and I turn to see my mom. I face palm and internally die. She says with her hand over her mouth, "Sorry,  I'll leave you two alone, but don't actually do anything since it's bad for the baby. I blush like crazy and scramble to get off him.
          I half scream as she closes the door, "I-It's not like t-that!" I hear her say 'sure' and I know she was probably winking at me. I grab the covers and steal them from Shoto hiding under them. I hear a light laugh and I feel him trying to take the covers off of me. I hold on to them as tight as I can and start to pout, "Noooo, leave me allllone!" I hear him sigh and sound like he gave up. I gave a proud smile until I felt something under me. HE WAS SERIOUSLY GOING TO PICK ME UP?!  I gulp as he picked me up and sat me on top of him. Dis boi! I hear something and realize my tummy's growling. I smell bacon and eggs and realize why my mom had come up. I quickly take the blankets off and start to get up so I could get some food. I think Shoto heard my tummy growl for food so he picked me up princess style and starts to head downstairs. I whine the entire time kicking my legs says stuff like, "put me down" and "this is embarrassing". When he finally puts me down he says with a smirk, "Sorry princess, I just didn't want you to trip because you were too hungry." I blushing knowing that he knew that I was very clumsy, but at least that means he pays attention.

Shoto's POV:
I see a smile creep up on Izuku's face after I finish speaking. He so freaken adorable! I could cuddle him forever and since we can be together now I felt very happy. I kissed his forehead and he turned bright red. I went to the two plates of food and took them. I read the note saying his mom is going to give us some alone time. Have I mentioned how amazing Izuku's mom is? She also said she will be staying with her relatives in a few days. "Hey Izu~... Your mom said she's going out for a while and in a couples days she's going over to some relatives," I say with a caring voice. I see him look down and I immediately sense something's wrong. I give off a calming scent that smelled like strawberries. I knew something was bothering him. He got up and half jumped on me. He nuzzled his head into my chest. I blush because I didn't expect him. I just pet his head over and over until I feel his grip loosen.

Izuku's POV:
I don't know why but I start to feel lonely as Shoto tells me what the note said. I guess I'm going to be home alone again. I smell a scent of strawberries and I see Shoto. He will stay with me right? Maybe if I ask he will I open my mouth to say something but instead of speaking I walk up to Shoto and hug him. He starts to pet my head but I don't mind in fact I kinda like it. I loosen my grip a little and I look up. I see Shoto, his face is so handsome when he's not wearing his blank mask. "Cute" as soon as I hear it I blush. I'm surprised that it wasn't me that said it too. I say to him back, "I think your cute too," he turns red from ear to ear and we're both as red as tomatoes still in each other's arms. "W-we should probably eat, right?" I ask as I sit back down. I realize that I'm feeding two now so I have to eat as much as possible. Shoto notices that I'm eating everything and puts some of his on my plate saying, "Here, I'm not that hungry and you have to feed two people so..." I stop and smile thanking him and giving him a hug then continue to eat. Somehow I finish at the same time as him, we get the plates and wash them then put them away. We sat on the couch and turn on Voltron from Netflix. I still feel tired so I lean on Shoto he takes the blanket at the end of the couch and wraps it around me while laying both of us down so we can cuddle. We laugh at Lance and totally shipped Klance. Soon it was dark and I started to fall asleep. Tomorrow we had school so we had to get up early. I heard some light snores and soon drift off to sleep myself.

Did you like the fluff? Also I think Shoto is a great boyfriend. Why do you ask because he gave Izuku HIS food.

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