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The first day back at school after their break-up/make-up Aiden and Avery had received wide eyes from both Rebecca and Kai. It was confusion mixed with an undertone of anger, that their plan was unsuccessful or that the couple looked happier than ever, they didn't know.

The week after, it was reduced to glares. Their surprise disappearing and turning into unmistakable dislike. Avery had ignored the looks to the best of her ability but Aiden would always glare back, a warning not to mess with their relationship again.

Madison had filled in Kelsey with every heart crushing detail she could and Avery would flinch ever so slightly whenever the conversation would be brought up every time afterwards. At one point Aiden had snapped. "That's enough," he'd growled at both girls and Kaleb. Avery wanted to feel bad for her friends but she had also been getting fed up with the reminder of the incident that had almost cost her Aiden.

"So my aunt and uncle wanted me to invite you guys to spend Thanksgiving with us," Aiden spoke as all five of them walked towards the quad after school. He had an arm draped over the back of Avery's shoulders, while Kaleb was holding Madison's hand and Kelsey was lost in her phone although her head perked up at the invitation.

"Like all of our families?" She asked and Aiden nodded his head. Madison turned to look at Kaleb with her brows furrowed.

"Won't that be a lot of people?" She voiced what everyone was thinking but Kaleb just shrugged with a smile.

"My sister comes down from NYU tomorrow so she'll be able to help my mom cook, plus we've got the maids to lend a hand as well," Madison and Avery gaped at the boys before turning to each other.

Maids? Avery mouthed at Madison and she pursed her lips. Rich people, Madison mouthed back with an exaggerated roll of her eyes and Avery stifled a giggle behind her hand.

"Maids and tons of food? You can count us in," Kelsey said with a laugh. Kelsey's family wasn't as well off as all of her friends, they lived in a small little house on the other side of town and she jumped at any opportunity to treat her siblings and mom to things they wouldn't normally be able to afford.

"You're coming right?" Aiden leaned down and whispered in Avery's ear, an expectant look in his eyes. She smiled warmly at him and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"Of course. I think dad will enjoy the extra company since he doesn't get to go out much these days," Aiden kissed the top of her head and pulled her in closer. As they walked to their cars they spotted Rebecca and Kai walking across the quad together and Avery pursed her lips in annoyance. "A match made in fucking heaven," she mumbled under her breath, but Aiden heard her and amusement began to dance in his green irises.

When they reached the car park Aiden and Kaleb both kissed their girls and bid their goodbyes. While Avery and Madison looked after them in a dreamy haze, Kelsey made a gagging noise behind them.

"You guys are so cute it makes me sick," she grumbled as she put her phone in the back pocket of her jeans. Both girls turned around with glares etched on their faces but it wasn't long before all of them burst out into a fit of giggles. "So," Kelsey continued, "I think shopping is in order now that we'll be going to their fancy shmancy house for Thanksgiving."

The three of them agreed to meet up at the mall and it wasn't long before Avery was pulling into the parking lot of the ginormous building. They jumped from store to store in search of dresses and heels that were appropriate for a family dinner but would still make the boys' jaws drop.

"Have you been to their house Mads?" Avery asked as they walked out of the mall, arms loaded with bags. Kelsey was scrolling through Twitter hardly paying any attention to the conversation going on beside her.

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