Chapter 4: The Truth Revealed

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 4 of this story and by the title of this story, you should know what's going to happen in this chapter as of what happened at the end of the previous chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V

"After what happened at Forever Falls with Nero unleashing his Devil Trigger, everyone is returning to Beacon as they walk in the dorm and (Y/N), Eveline, and Nero are waiting for everyone to show up and they heard a knock as Eveline opens the door and Teams RWBY and JNPR have arrived as they walk in.....................
Pyrrha: "We came as fast as we can."
Yang: "So, what's going on?"
(Y/N): "So, you want to know about the power that Nero gave off right?"
Blake: "Wait a minute, what power?"
Pyrrha: "Nero gave off this power where a blue like creature was over him and whatever moved he did, the thing followed. It said involved all three of them."
Jaune: "Okay. So, what was this power Nero gave off?"
...................(Y/N) stood up and he walked to the window and looked out the window...................
(Y/N): "Do you know the story of Sparda?"
Ren: "Who doesn't?"
Weiss: "Wait, what does Sparda have to do with this? It's just a myth."
Eveline: "Well, what if I told you all it wasn't a myth; everything was true and the other part of his story where he fell in love with a human female, and produced the Sons of Sparda?"
Blake: "Well, if it wasn't a myth it would be all true."
Jaune: "So, wait everything is true? Sparda? And his sons?"
Nero: "Yes, it's all true."
Pyrrha: "But, what does this have to do with Nero's power?"
..................Eveline sits in a chair and places her leg over hers and she crosses her arms...................
Eveline: "What if we told you that the sons of Sparda, actually had kids of their own?"
Nora: "What?"
Yang: "What are you talking about?"
.................(Y/N) turns around and he looks at Eveline and she smiles and nods, then (Y/N) nods as well...................
(Y/N): "Me and Eveline, we're Dante's kids."
Jaune: "Dante? He's one of the Son's of Sparda."
(Y/N): "And Nero, he's Vergil's son."
Blake: "I heard about him, he's Dante's twin brother. Wait, if Dante is (Y/N) and Eveline's dad and Vergil is Nero's dad, then that means?"
(Y/N): "We are Sparda's grandchildren."
.................everyone was amazed to find out that the Sparda myth is true and that (Y/N), Eveline, and Nero are his grandchildren, Ruby then zooms towards them excited.................
Ruby: "Oh my gosh that is so cool."
Weiss: "And which also means you three are not fully human, your also part demon."
Nero: "Yep, you can say that."
Pyrrha: "But, what does it have to do with the power that Nero gave off at Forever Falls?"
Nero: "That was my power, like how Dante's power the demon power; that's my power."
(Y/N): "Ever since our father defeated Vergil, his sword Yamato was broken in two pieces. Then as Nero suddenly got angry and felt the power within him he reawakened Yamato and that's how he got his power that you saw Pyrrha."
Ren: "Wait, Yamato? You have your father's sword?"
....................Nero shows his demon arm and it glows where Yamato is in his hand and Ren's eyes widen as he goes to it.....................
Ren: "Yamato, is a katana. Amazing."
Ruby: "But, even if you're part Demon you three are still our friends no matter what."
Blake: "That's right, you three really are."
...................(Y/N), Eveline, and Nero smiles, then after that Teams RWBY and JNPR have decided to keep quiet about them being Sparda's grandchildren and them being part demon they kept quiet as well..................

(Y/N) P.O.V
Timeskip-3 Days Later

.................then after 3 days, (Y/N) is walking down the hallways of Beacon and as he does he looks to see Cinder in the distance as he thinks about getting to know her and he approached her..................
(Y/N): "Hello Cinder."
Cinder: *looks at him* "Hello (Y/N). Fancy seeing you again."
(Y/N): "So, what're you doing?"
Cinder: "Just heading back to my dorm."
(Y/N): "Well, I was wondering if you and me would like to hangout tomorrow. Since tomorrow is Saturday I think we should know about each other."
...................Cinder looks away and she placed her hand on her chin and then looks at him..................
Cinder: "Sure. I would love to."
(Y/N): "Alright then, see you tomorrow."

Cinder P.O.V

..................Cinder sees (Y/N) walk off and she smiles as she keeps looking at him and she suddenly placed her hand over her heart as she looks away and then she shakes her head...................
Cinder: (W.........why didn't I refuse? What is this feeling?)
..................she walks back to her dorm that she is staying in as she walks in as she sees Emerald and Mercury in the dorm as well..................
Emerald: "Hey Cinder, you seem off about something?"
Cinder: "Do you know those three new kids that arrived at Beacon?"
Mercury: "Those three? Yeah, I saw how they are in combat. They seem to really know how to fight."
Cinder: "Well, I was just asked by one of them to hang out tomorrow. And I didn't refuse, not even a single resistance I didn't refuse."
Emerald: "Are you in love Cinder? Cause I think you're in love, that's why you didn't refuse."
Cinder: *blushes* "There's no way............I-I could be in love."
Emerald: "You just stuttered, that means you did fall in love."
..................Cinder didn't want to admit it, but she couldn't help it. But, she didn't want to fail her mission or Salem would be angry with her, but there was something about (Y/N) she couldn't keep her mind off of that."

To be continued.................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

The Grandchildren of Sparda: RWBY x Son and Daughter of Dante Male reader/OCWhere stories live. Discover now