Chapter 7: Meeting the Enemy and Saving Cinder

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers here is chapter 7 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen in this,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After what happened between Nero and Eveline as Nero confessed to Pyrrha and Eveline confessed to Jaune, (Y/N) decided to find Cinder so he can work their relationship and become more than friends with her. But, as he was finding her he saw the Scorpion Faunus that he fought and a portal opened up and they walked through the portal before it closed and he saw Salem's castle in the distance as he heads there. He jumps on the castle as he finds a window and he looks through it to see a woman with white skin and hair with veins showing and also her eyes are black with the pupils red.....................
(Y/N): "So, that's Salem. Cinder's been working for her all this time."
...................he looks to see her, Mercury, and Emerald walking in front of the table as Tyrian took his seat..................
Salem: "So, Cinder. Tyrian told me you've been hanging out with this 'guy' instead of focusing on the plan."
Cinder: *looks at him angry* "I don't understand."
Tyrian: "The guy who you hung out with, he found out I followed you two and he did *shows cut off tail* this to me."
(Y/N): "I knew that bastard was following us."
Salem: "This guy will not fall in with our plans, you're gonna have to kill him."
..................(Y/N)'s eyes widen as he looks at Cinder..................
Cinder: "What? No, I can't."
Salem: "Cinder that is an order."

3rd P.O.V

..................Cinder looks away as she is conflicted on that order and she started thinking about him as she balled her hands and she looks at her.................
Cinder: "No."
Salem: "What?"
Cinder: "I said no. I will not kill him, he means so much to me to kill him."
..................(Y/N)'s eyes widen and he smiles s she made that her choice as Salem is angry...................
Salem: "You disappoint me Cinder. I have no use for you. Kill her."
................Cinder gets her weapons as Emerald and Mercury does as well and Hazel, Watts, and Tyrian walks up to them. But, then (Y/N) reacts as he jumps through the ceiling window breaks and lands on the table in foment of Salem as everyone looks, then he looks at Salem in the eyes as he brings out New Ivory and shoots her in the shoulder and she bleeds as she falls back form her chair, he stands up and looks at Cinder as she smiles..................
Hazel: "Mistress! You bastard."
.................he goes to attack (Y/N), but he jumps over and stabs his leg with his sword and he lands on the ground as he kicks Watts hand making him go the other way and he blocks Tyrian's attack as he twists his arm making him scream in pain................
(Y/N): "So, I guess this counts as round 2?"
Tyrian: "You're gonna pay you bastard."
.................(Y/N) kicks him back and he equips Arbiter and he swings it around hitting Tyrian and he flies back hitting the walk as it cracks, then Hazel goes for a punch only for (Y/N) to duck and equipped Gilgamesh and punched him in the gut and spin kicks where he launches and he flies into a pillar smashing it as he goes through it, Salem gets up injured and she looks at (Y/N) as he fights them, then she looks at Cinder as she focuses her power and she launches an attack at them..................
Salem: "Goodbye Cinder."
..................they brace for impact, but then (Y/N) gets in the way and he blocks it with his sword as he held it back and Cinder looks as he is trying to hold it back with all his strength and Salem smirks evilly, then (Y/N) focuses his power as his medallion glows and his eyes glows a demonic red as he lets out a roar and deflects it towards Salem and she gets hits where she launches back and she groans in pain...................
Watts: "Mistress Salem."
..................they run to check on her and Cinder looks at (Y/N) as he stands there and he is breathing hard and he had a red glow around his body and they help Salem up as she looks at them and she saw how (Y/N) is, as she looks close she saw something as it looked like he was changing and it showed what he became:

they run to check on her and Cinder looks at (Y/N) as he stands there and he is breathing hard and he had a red glow around his body and they help Salem up as she looks at them and she saw how (Y/N) is, as she looks close she saw something as it l...

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Watts: "What on Remnant?"
Hazel: "How?"
...............then he changes back to normal as Salem was in disbelief................
Salem: "You're not human, are you?"
(Y/N): "Who knows, I'm not sure myself."
...............she saw his medallion and she looked closely as she knew what it meant as she felt his power as well.................
Salem: "No. It can't be, that's demonic power. But, it's so familiar. And that medallion."
................she looked in his eyes as her eyes widen in complete fear.................
Salem: "There's only one demon who possess this power. You're not Sparda."
(Y/N): "Nope, I'm his grandson."
.................everyone looks in disbelief that (Y/N) is the Grandson of Sparda and even Cinder looks as she is surprised, then Hazel and Tyrian gets up ready to fight, but Salem stops them..................
Salem: "No. He's the Grandson of Sparda you'll never stand a chance against him."
Hazel: "But, mistress.............."
..................he looks at him and he gets angry as he stands down, then Tyrian does the same as (Y/N) smirks...................
(Y/N): "Now, here's how things ares gonna work. You open a portal and let us outta here, or I could kill you all. What's it gonna be?"
...................Salem gets angry and she opens a portal and (Y/N) goes through it as Cinder, Emerald and Mercury follows as they walk behind him. Then Cinder looks at him as she walks to him....................
Cinder: "I can't believe it, what I heard and saw. The Grandson of Sparda, that's who you are. I thought he was a myth, but if you're the Grandson which means Eveline and Nero.................."
(Y/N): "Yes, they are also Grandchildren of Sparda."
Cinder: "Well, that doesn't matter now. Salem doesn't want anything to do with us now, I guess *she holds his hand* it's time to move on and help Remnant. Can you do that with me?"
(Y/N): "Yes. I won't let anything happen to you, you mean a lot to me."
..................Cinder smiles as they both walk off back to Beacon as Emerald and Mercury looks at each other, they shrugged and followed them as they head back...................

Salem P.O.V

.................Salem sits on her throne injured after her encounter with the Grandson of Sparda, she couldn't believe it that another bloodline of Sparada has continued...................
Watts: "The Grandson of Sparda, I never thought it would be true."
Hazel: "He will pay for what he did to you Mistress, he will."
Salem: "He's too strong, even stronger than Sparda himself. We have to think of something."
Tyrian: "Let me do it. I still hate him for what he did to me."
Salem: "No. He's stronger than all of us, we need time."
...................Salem thinks of a plan to try and destroy (Y/N) so her plan won't fail and kill Cinder and her allies for betraying her, but what she doesn't know is that (Y/N) isn't the only Grandchild of Sparda."

To be continued...............

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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