Chapter Twelve

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In Yuzuru's dream...

Time passed really fast for both Yuzuru and Akira. From being childhood sweethearts, in a blink of an eye, they were already 17 years old. Yuzuru grown up to be a fine dignified young man as Akira grown up to be a natural beauty.

"Yuzu!" Akira called out from afar before running over, engulfing Yuzuru into a hug. "Where have you been?" Akira asks after not hearing news from Yuzuru for three days.

"Gomen, I was on a mission and I forgot to inform you." Yuzuru apologises.

"How could you forget? Life was so boring these few days..." Akira pouted.

"Why? Was it because I was not there with you?" Yuzuru smirked as he raises his eyebrows.

"Excuse you, dont get so full of yourself, humph! Who missed you?" Akira rebutted back while folding her arms, turning her back on him, flustered by his sudden question.

"I merely said that you found life boring because I wasnt there with you. I didnt mention anything about you missing me. So the truth is you exposed yourself! Aha!" Yuzuru's quick-witted reply took Akira off guard.

"What? Who said so? I absolutely did not miss you! Why would I miss someone who didnt even bother to tell me about his whereabouts?..." Akira babbles on, being very salty about the fact that Yuzuru left on a mission without her for the first time.

"Let me tell you mister--" Yuzuru presses his lips onto her, cutting her off. He hold onto her delicate waist, pulling her closer as he kisses her passionately. Akira's eyes widened as her cheeks turn into a light shade of pink at his sudden action before closing her eyes, allowing herself to enjoy that pure moment of bliss. "You talk too much." Yuzuru said, before the both of them parted.

"Dont think you can pacify me with that kiss. I...I am still unhappy over the fact that you left me alone." She said as she pretends to be angry once again, though she knew she has long forgiven him.

Yuzuru gave a light chuckle. "Come here, I miss you too." He open his arms, welcoming Akira into a hug in which Akira "unwillingly" accepts.

End of the dream

Back to the present, two days later,

Akira was taking care of Yuzuru as usual. She remembered that night where Yuzuru suddenly pulled her into his arms. His arms carelessly draped over her waist throughout the night. His bold move was enough to make Akira fall head over heels for him once again. Just that thought alone immediately made her cheeks blush. Could he have remembered me? She thought, hoping that even the slightest possibility of him remembering his past would come true. Just at that moment, she saw Yuzuru's fingers twitched. She rushed to his side, calling out his name, "Yuzuru?"

His eyes fluttered open before blinking his eyes, trying to get adjusted to the light. Akira then adjusts his pillow for him to sit up with ease.

"How long was I out for?" he asks, his voice croaking slightly.

"You were unconscious for three days before waking up two days ago and falling into a deep sleep again." Akira replied. Somewhere deep down in her heart, she hope that Yuzuru would remember that night from two days ago.

"I woke up before? I must have forgotten." He said while holding his head.

Upon hearing his words, Akira's face fell. As expected, he doesnt remember anything. "I will call Uncle Ito for a check up." Akira said softly, trying to hide her disappointment before walking out of the room.

Soon after, Ito sensei came in to give Yuzuru a check up. He confirmed that Yuzuru was fine and that he could return back to work the next day.

Ito sensei left the room, giving Akira and Yuzuru some time alone.

After a few moments, Yuzuru raises a question,"Akira? Have we met before? Or rather did you knew me before I came to Icexath?", breaking the awkward silence in the room.

"Er...I...Why did you ask?" Akira throws back a question, unsure of what to answer.

"I have been having these strange dreams lately. I dreamt about you and those scenes seem so familiar and real that I thought it really happened." Yuzuru replied.

"Well, dreams are just dreams." Akira lied. Conflicted feelings rising within her. At that moment, she really wanted to spill the truth out however she was unsure of whether Yuzuru was ready to accept it. Or rather does he even want to remember it? In the end, she decided against telling him the truth till a more appropriate timing.

After Yuzuru recovered, he continued his normal basis of life and life returned back to normal again.

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