Chapter Nineteen

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"I am so glad you agreed!" Akira exclaimed in joy. "Though the mission is dangerous..." Akira trailed off. Amidst her joy, worries filled her head. She was worried that the mission would not be as smooth sailing as she thought it would be. More importantly she was afraid that Yuzuru might get hurt.

"Don't worry. Since I have made up my mind, I will not go back on my words. Well, that did include me thinking about the possible consequences of going onto this mission. But I can't just sit here and watch when you guys need help, especially when you guys looked out for me so much." Yuzuru assured her as he returned her hug and gave a light pat on the head.

"Well, we would be setting off in 2 weeks! We are going to have a team meeting tomorrow, come with us, Yuzuru will you?" Akira asked.

---Time Skip---

"He is in the team too?" Leon asked in disbelief. "What luck!" He then muttered under his breath.

"I have no idea why you are so unhappy with me but hey, you are not the only one sulking here so why dont we just try to get along?" Yuzuru said unpleasingly while attempting to make peace with the guy before him.

Leon did not reply, only turning his body in the opposite direction, away from Yuzuru. I should have been grateful for you saving Akira that time but all that misery Akira been through was not called for.

Just then, "Hello everyone!" a shout was heard from behind them and everyone turned their head to face the owner of that voice, only to see a girl running towards them.

"T-The Crown P-prince?" the girl stuttered as soon as Yuzuru turned around. She suddenly gave a hug, catching everyone in surprise. The most displeased of all was of course Akira.

"Ehem!" Akira cleared her throat, casually breaking the hug between the girl and Yuzuru. "I am afraid you are mistaken. This is not the crown prince. His name is however Yuzuru. I believe you can feel the difference between the spiritual energy released? Regardless, what brings you here?" Akira explained.

"Oh well anyways, my name is Rin Suzuki and I will be going on the trip with you guys." She announced.

"What?!" Both Leon and Akira exclaimed in surprise, leaving a confused Yuzuru at the side. They could not believe their ears.

"Shoudnt Misaki be here instead?" Leon asked.

"Well, things happened..." Rin replied.

Leon and Akira both gave each other a look before speaking up, "Well, hope it would be a nice working relationship." Akira gave out her hand for a handshake in which Rin handshaked. During the handshake, alot was exchanged between them through their eyes. An air of rivalry in the atmosphere could be sensed.

"Am I missing out on something?" Yuzuru suddenly went close to Leon and asked as both of them watched the painful handshake in front of them.

"No doubt of it." Leon replied as they continue to stare at the two girls before them. At that moment, it was as if the both of them has briefly forgot the unpleasant experience they had with one another a moment ago.

"Ok guys, knock it off!" Leon said as he separated the two of them, ending the handshake accompanied by the painful silence in the air.

"Well, lets talk over lunch shall we?" Leon asked.

During lunch,

"As most of you already know, we would be going on a dangerous mission and would be stuck together for at least half a year, whether you like it or not. The Ice demon is stationed in the far west, hence it would be a long travel. We would be taking on quests to level up and pick up skills in the process. Not to forget, there could be demons and monsters in our way and they are not friendly. This is especially so when we are nearer the Ice demon cave. Therefore, it is advisable that we cooperate with each other and look out for one another." Leon elaborated on the mission.

"Wow Leon I see that you have done your homework...not bad!" Akira praised as she pats him on the back.

"It would be much more appreciated if Miss Suzuki right here would stop looking at Yuzuru and pay attention to the mission!" Leon raised his voice as he gave a cold look to Rin.

"Say Yuzuru, are you attached?" Ri asked flirtatiously.

"Huh, I-I..." Yuzuru stuttered as he was caught off guard.

That Rin! What is she trying to do? Akira thought.

"I believe you don't have to know." Akira replied in Yuzuru's place.

"Well, who are you to help him reply? Are you his girlfriend? Besides, I did do my homework as well." Rin retorted back.

" his..." Akira trailed off as she realises she indeed have no say in this. As of now, I am not his girlfriend.

"Ok guys, I just said to cooperate and 1 minute into the conversation, you guys are already trying to get onto each other's nerves. Regardless, we will meet in two weeks time and we will set off. Prepare well." Leon said while sighing at the situation before him.

"Oh well, see you soon Yuzuru." Rin bade her goodbye as she winks at him.

Oh boy, what have Yuzuru gotten himself into?

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