Chapter Twenty-Six

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After that incident, they have been travelling and completing quests whenever they can. Be it killing monsters or helping people, they have done it all. With that, a month has passed since then.


"Leon, where is our next destination?" Akira asked. Their team has been flying on their pegasus for over 2 hours and there is not even a single sight of a town or city. Leon, on the other hand, has been looking at the map intensely.

"Don't tell me we are lost?" Rin glared at Leon.

"Well, I would not say lost because we are definitely still somewhere in the map..." Leon sheepishly said, a rare scene from the always confident Leon. He then looked back at his map, trying to figure something out.

"What?! Doesnt that mean we are lost! Give me the map!" Rin snatched the map away from Leon's hands before looking at it, trying to find their location.

"It's ok, Leon. It is not your fault. We have always relied on you as our leader and you must have been tired out from all this administrative work. I am sure we can figure something out." Akira consoled.

"How is this not his fault! If it was not for him, we would not be in the middle of nowhere!" Rin accused.

"Why don't you navigate?" Leon snapped.

10 minutes later,

"See, you don't know the way too, don't you?" Leon said.

"Y-You!" Rin shouted.

"Guys guys cool down. Take a deep breath. " Yuzuru tried to salvage the situation by pulling Rin back from hitting Leon while Akira tried to help Leon cool down.

Yuzuru took the map from Rin's hands, "Let's see..."

"Guys, according to the map, after this loop, there shd be a small route leading to the town but since the air is pretty misty, we most probably missed the route." Yuzuru explained.

"Wait, so we have been travelling in circles?" Rin asked in disbelief.

"Haha yeah..." Yuzuru laughed helplessly.

Rin sighed as she gave a cold look to Leon in which Leon refused to back down from.

"After we find the route, where should we go?" Akira asked.

Yuzuru then gave a detailed explanation on the direction they are suppose to go upon taking the route.

Well, I guess using Google Maps often do help in navigation... Yuzuru thought.

"I think we will not reach there on time though. We have no choice but to fly to the forest below and camp there for the night." Leon said after a quick estimation of the time upon finally finding the route they were suppose to take.

"If it was not for someone, we would have reached by now." Rin casually commented.

"I can't believe you grew up in a noble family. Such temper does not match your status." Leon muttered sarcastically.

"Why did you say?" Rin shouted in anger.

"Guys, quieten down! We would not want to attract any monsters or unwanted trouble here." Akira said. Upon hearing her words, it was only then that they kept their mouths shut.

Akira and Yuzuru then looked at each other, skaking their heads, sighing in defeat.

After they landed, they found a relatively open space to settle down.

"I will get some wood to make a fire." Leon then walked off into the forest to gather some wood.

In the mean time, Akira went to settle their pegases down while Rin and Yuzuru went to gather some leaves such that they could transform it into a nice mattress suitable for sleeping outdoors.

"These leaves and stems have many thorns. How about I carry these while you go take a rest.You must be tired out!" Yuzuru casually said as he carried a bunch of stems and leaves to their camping area.

"Thanks..." Rin said as she stood by the side, looking at Yuzuru do his stuff. In her eyes, there were hints of admiration or maybe something more than that.

After moving so many leaves and stems, Yuzuru hands were actually cut by it.

"Are you okay?" Rin took his hands in hers, examining it after realising that his hands were red and bruised.

"It is fine. I am a guy anyways." Yuzuru took his hands back upon replying. This is nothing compared to my sprained ankle before the Olympics.

Yuzuru then transformed the leaves into a comfy looking mattress.

Akira who had finish settling the pegasus came back only to witness Rin holding Yuzuru's hands. Although Yuzuru pulled back his hands instantly, she can't help by feel a little unhappy at the sight before her. Nonetheless, she composed herself before walking back.

"Hey Akira! Try out this mattress, is it ok?" Yuzuru happily asked upon seeing her.

Akira slightly jog towards him before sitting down on the mattress, patting it.

"Not bad!" Akira approved.

"Glad it is ok!" Yuzuru said before both of them chuckled.

Rin who have witnessed the scene before her did not seem very happy about it.

By this time, Leon has came back, putting all the wood on the ground before using his magic to lit it up.

The four of them proceeded to sit around the fire to warm themselves up.

After which, all of them proceeded to bed.

The next morning,

"Guys wake up!" Yuzuru and Leon woke up at the sound of Akira shouting their names frantically.

"Huh?" Leon rubbed his eyes, clearly still not awaken.

"Rin is missing!" Akira shouted.

"What?!" Yuzuru and Leon now shocked by the news, said in unison.

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