Chapter 5

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👆🏻Nadine Leopold as Nadine Trelawney


"You look so stunning, Ms. Woods." Said the makeup artist who done my makeup. Irene is sitting on my bed. She knows what I'm feeling, I told her Clyde's plan later tonight with other woman at the hotel. Becca also know about it and she almost run to find Clyde, but me and Irene manage to hold her. It's not that worth it to pull some drama about it.

"Thanks."I said to the makeup artist with a fake smile. After I changed to my dress for this occasion, which is soft pink color with innocent look on the front part but backless until it almost showing off my back fully. I choose and tried this dress alone after debating with Clyde.

"After this you should find Clyde and from there you guys will come out together and he will give some speech before you guys need to mingling." Becca said to me and I only nodded.

After that my fiancée will sleep with other girl on this damn hotel, what a perfect engagement day that I have.

"I'm sorry but I'm sure you will get through this." Whisper Irene, when she hugs me before we going out.

"Thank you, babe." I said to her.

Becca looks about to cry but I rolled my eyes, "You don't have to get emotional. If you agree with my plan to run away from this hell, I believe that both of us will be happy now." I told her and Becca rolled her eyes now.

"We will give him some lessons. Head for head, remember?" she ask me and I can't help but laughing at her.

"Thank god, I have you as my savior."I said to her and give her a hug.

Our moment got interruption when Clyde clears his throat. He has his black tuxedo with his trademark style, cocky bastard and his hair also on his trademark styles. I gave Becca a smile before she is going out from my room and giving Clyde her disgust look. Clyde only raised his eyebrow and looking at me.

For a while Clyde put his eyes on my body, from head to toe before he clear his throat again. "Come on. The guests are already here." He said to me.

I took my purse and walking past Clyde. I could feel his eyes on my back. Look what you missed, Mr. Cocky, I thought and push the lift button to go to the ballroom.

There are only both of us on the lift and Clyde couldn't hide his curious stare towards Willow. She is a beautiful girl What's wrong with you, man? You have Meghan for tonight, remember?

Clyde now looks away from Willow and the lift open.

I look around the ballroom, both of our parents look so happy. Ian and Irene, neutral, but I know both of them feel concerned toward me. Sky, well, he just flirting with this blonde girl that happen to be one of our father's college friend. My mind stopped when I see Meghan who also came. She looks at me and raised her glass of champagne.

How dare her to come here and sleep with my fiancée after that. Your fiancée, I see?

I exhale my breath and about to walk when Clyde pull my wrist. "What now?" I ask him.

"We should act like lovey dovey couple, who is happy with their engagement party not a fiancée who could turn into a banshee on our engagement night." He said.

I close my eyes for a minute then, "Fine." I told him an open my eyes. Now Clyde is too close to me. I hold my breath when I could feel his breath on my face.

"Oh that's our happy couple tonight! Soon to be husband and wife, Clyde Anderson and Willow Woods, please come here!" said our MC.

Clyde kisses my cheek and wraps his hand on my waist. Me and Clyde walk through the hallway, seeing our guests and of course I could see Meghan standing at the front. I could feel Clyde got stiff when he look at Meghan who winking her eyes toward him, well, I know what they are plan later for tonight.

"I know what both of you already plan tonight. But please, don't embarrassing me and our family. At least control your mistress, Clyde." I told him.

Clyde now looking at me, "She is not my mis----"

"Just hang on until at least one hour then you can banging her freely. I won't tell anyone."I cut him.

We are already on the stage that being prepared for us. Me and Clyde took our glass of champagne before Clyde giving his speech to our guests.

"Uhm, thanks for coming to celebrate our amazing night in here. I'm so lucky to be engaged to a beautiful and amazing woman, Willow Woods. I've been admire her from afar for a long time and I never thought that we are here tonight. So thank you, for my soon to be bride, Willow and to the eternity, cheers!" he said and everyone raised their glass.

I drink all my champagne in one go and immediately approach our family and hugging both of our parents. "I'm so happy for you, my baby girl." Said my dad and I only smile at him.

After that, me and Clyde meet some of our guests. Clyde occasionally will look into the other side of the ballroom, looking for her and I know who she is. I let go my hand from his arm and he look at me, "If you can't stand being in here with me to mingling at least an hour then I will let you go now to meet your mistress. Your actions only make others wondering why my fiancée over here not looking at his soon to be bride." I said before I turn around and leave him.

If I need to share what is mine then it is better if I run away before the wedding...Before everything is too late for me.
Call me selfish but I'm not dumb and this is my damn life and heart that I put on my sleeve.


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Until then,
Bubbye 👋👋👋

Maria Felicity 😘😘😘😘

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