Chapter 26

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I already wake up at six am, I know right. I just so nervous and I don't know maybe a little bit of anxiety about this day. I spend my morning by running then do some yoga to make myself calm and then I'm going straight to bathroom to be ready for this morning event.

Today I decide to wear high waist short with white shirt and Fila shoes in white color, together with my mini sling bag. I wear some accessories so my style look more fun instead of boring and I choose to arrange my hair with half bun style.

I'm still looking into the mirror to check my outfit for today, make sure that everything look good when someone shouting from downstairs.



I rolled my eyes and took my mini sling bag before going out from my room and going downstairs. It's only eight am and he is already here. I look at Sky who has a chat with Clyde in family room while both of my parents are in the dining room.

"Baby girl, you should have breakfast first please call Clyde to join with us. "said my dad when he looks at me.

I nod my head and going towards Sky and Clyde. I look at Clyde who looks stress and whispering something into Sky's ear. Both of them look shocked when they saw me come towards them and in an instant, Clyde smile widely toward me and come toward me then kiss my cheek.

I direct my eyes toward Sky who looking into anywhere but me. I wrap my hands on Clyde's shoulder before pulling myself from him.

"Well, is there anything you want to tell me?" I asked Clyde then looking at Sky while raised my eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing. My project is ruin by my partner and I kind of freak out. Sky won't help me here." Said Clyde and shrugging his shoulder.

Well, I know it's not about that but I won't push him. That's his problem after all not mine. I nod my head, "Well, my dad wants you to join us for breakfast and after that we could go to our agent."I told him.

Clyde nodded his head and took my hand in his, well, technically it's like he dragging me to dining room with Sky following us on our behind.

Both of parents look so excited when they saw Clyde's hand which is hold my hand, while Ian winking his eyes to me. I rolled my eyes and took a sit beside my mom and Clyde beside me. Sky chooses to sit beside Ian, facing me.

"So, let's have our breakfast. I'm so happy because everyone is here. Well, I hope Irene could make it." Said mom and look at Ian.

"Mom, her flight will be late and she probably tired from all his father fiasco when they in Greece." said Ian.

"I know, I know. Now, both of you tell us when you will move into your condo?" asked my mom now.

"Honey, I don't want my daughter to moving out from here to early. "said my dad.

Sky is laughing now,"Yeah dad but you are agreed to arrange her marriage to Clyde."

He said and Sky got a glare from our dad. "Your car will be with me for another two months."said my dad and he start eating his pancake, while Sky looking at him with his horror stares.

"But dad---"

"If I were you I would probably shut my mouth, bro." said Ian and patting Sky's shoulder and Sky now looking at his food.

"Well, guys?" asked my dad again.

Clyde now clears his throat, "Well, I kind of following what Willow want. I mean we still need to put furniture and all, maybe it will take sometimes?" asked Clyde to me and I look at him then nod my head, "Give us another three weeks maybe."I said this time.

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