Chapter 29

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Lately, I'm focusing myself doing my assignment. I ask Ian to call some home decorator to taking care the condo together with mom and Sophia of course. I still hear Clyde's voice around the house but I try my best to avoid him at any cost. All I know that he could laugh again just like everything is normal.

Either my family or his family are ever ask us about our relationship. Hell, we never have one from the beginning. I know Becca and Irene feel worried with me but I make sure to them that I am fine and I'm capable to handle my problem with Clyde.

For Meghan, she still talking around about her affairs with Clyde and saying that Clyde will dump me eventually. I just rolled my eyes and usually when I saw her then I will take another way. I don't have any time to waste on her honestly.

Today, we are about to go to London. I feel so excited and like a shit at the same time. Becca is staying with me last night, so we could go to the airport together.

"First thing that I want to do is checking our room than walking around." said Becca to me.

I only nod my head while I listen to Lauv, Never Not. My attention now is directed toward Clyde and Sky who standing with their groups and there is also Meghan over there. Clyde doesn't show any attention toward Meghan but I know he do that because he know that I'm here. Sky once in a while will look at me with his pity eyes but I look away from him.

"Good morning passengers. This is the boarding announcement for flight 360 to London. We are now inviting the passengers to begin boarding at this time. Thank you."

Becca now standing up, full of energy and Sean still busy with his music. "Come on! London is calling our name!" said Becca excitedly while pulling my hand and also Sean.

We get into the line to boarding the plane. "I hope that you could sit with us instead." Said Becca when we walking to the plane.

"Nah, I'll give you some privacy with Sean while I sleep."  I said to her and hit my shoulder with Becca's.

"Welcome to our flight. This flight number is 360 and going to London, please enjoy the flight." Said the flight attendant when we get inside the plane.

I took my place on number.27A, which is beside the window! Yes, I could listen to my music and then sleep all the way to London.

I look around the plane and mostly it's my friends from campus. Well, this is kind of short escape before the winter break from our campus, which is nice. I'm checking my email when the sit beside got occupied and I look at that person. Wrong move!

Clyde is the one who's sit beside me and then some random guy that I don't know, probably another passenger. I look at my iphone again until the flight attendant asked me to turned off my iphone because we are about to take off.

There is nothing that we want to talk about, so either me or Clyde opens our mouth.

When the plane is already on the sky, I decide to take some sleep but Clyde decides to interrupt it. He keeps poking me until I open my eyes, "What?" I asked him annoyed.

Clyde now looking at me, "I miss you and I am sorry." He said softly.

"I don't want to talk about this when we are about 30.000 feet high." I told him.

Clyde now shook his head stubbornly, "Can we just make this trip the best time for our sake? I don't want to go to London when I know that we are fighting. I can't enjoy this trip."

"But you don't want to explain to me."

"I will when we comes back from London. I promised you that I will explain everything to you." He said while he looking at my eyes.

"Come on, Willow. I want you be with me on this trip. We should make a good memories while we are in London." He said again.

This time I nod my head, "Fine. But you promise me that you will explain everything." I said to him.

Clyde nodded his head," I will, I'm promise. And one thing, please ignore anything that Meghan said. It's not the truth. Do you trust me?"

I'm not answering him for a minute, "I need you to trust me, Willow."

"I do trust you..." I said to him after a while. I could see a relief on Clyde's eyes before he reach for my hand and hold it. "Good. I miss you so much. Not being able to talk to you when you are so close really killing me." He said again.

"You are just over dramatic." I told him and rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah? Let me prove it to you then." He said and he kiss me right there. Well, we literally making out right now but I don't care because honestly I do missing him and his lips, touch.

I'm glad that we agree to put our problem aside until we are going back from London. The most important thing right now to enjoy our time and make some good memories when we are in London.

"Is that enough to prove it to you that I miss you so damn much?" he whispers to my ear.

"I guess...But I need more prove." I replied but then I kiss Clyde again.

This is perfect.


"I hate that we need to carry out bags on our own." complained Becca all the way toward the bus that already waiting for us.

Well, she brings two luggages. One large and another small one, while we only bring one large size of luggage. Sean is already bringing Becca's cosmetics bag and Clyde, well; he and Sky bring their travel bag. "Why don't you let Clyde bring your luggage?" Becca asked me.

"Uhm...Cause I have my own hands?" I asked her and Becca rolled her eyes.

"Sometimes I am wondering if you a really human being or not." Said Becca.

Sean now helping Becca to put her bags to the bus, while when I'm about to put my own bag, Clyde easily took it for me and put it beside Becca's bag. "Thank you, Sir." I said to him and Clyde replied with bending over his body just like a gentleman.

"My pleasure my lady." He said.

I'm laughing so hard now and get into the bus
with Clyde behind me. I look at Becca who already sitting with Sean in the middle. I walked through the aisle and choose to sit beside Becca and Sean. Clyde took the place beside me.

Sky is pouting at us while he looking around, "Babe!" he said. Thank god, Nadine is here. I haven't met her yet but I'm glad she is here with Sky.

Both of them sit behind us, "So, what Meghan think when she looking us together?" I asked Clyde.

"She will freak out for sure but I will take care of it." said Clyde.

Becca now giving me her two thumbs up, that's her way to tell me that she is supporting me. I only rolled my eyes at her,"Hey, can I borrow your shoulder? I want to sleep." asked Clyde to me after a while.

I look at him and nodded my head,"Yeah...But you owe me a massage."I said to him and he nodded.

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