Chapter 25

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We arrive at Clyde's home around ten and I know that we fashionably late but Clyde tells me that it is okay to be late. I could feel my hand get sweaty and this is totally not cool at all. Now, Clyde put his arm on my waist and leading the way to his backyard where his grandparents are already there together with his parents. Sophia is the first one looking at us and greeting me warmly with her motherly hug and after that Max comes to us and giving me a side hug. Later, Clyde's grandma comes to us and hugs both of us before looking at me and she smiled so wide.

"Hey, granny, this is Willow and Willow this is my granny." said Clyde when he introducing me and granny.

Granny now smile widely and clap both of her hands, "You look so beautiful, don't you agree with me, Georgie?" asked granny to grandpa of course.

Grandpa walks towards me and give me warm hug. "She is indeed more beautiful than last time I saw her, Georgiana." he said. Awh! They both have a same name.

Clyde now hugging his grandpa, "How are you both?" asked Clyde this time.

"We are good. Old but good. Come sit with me, both of you, let they work." Said Grandpa to me and Clyde.

I look at Clyde, "I think I better helping your mom and granny in the kitchen." I told him and Clyde nodded his head. "Alright." he said before kissing my cheek. I feel shy when Clyde is kissing me in front of grandpa who has satisfied smile on his face.

I walk towards kitchen and looking at granny who busy arrange the cupcake, but I don't Sophia anywhere. "Granny? Could I help you with something?" I asked her.

Granny turns her body and look at me, "Well, you could put some icing on this cupcake and I will make my famous lemon juice."

Half an hour later I'm done with the cupcake and I'm satisfied enough with the result. Sophia now comes back to the kitchen to called me and granny because the BBQ is already done. I bring my cupcake out and Sophia brings granny's lemon juice towards wooden table that already being set up. I look Clyde and Max who talking while they busy with the meat on the grill. Clyde look more relax and grandpa just busy with his radio.

"Come on everyone dig in!" called granny.

Grandpa leaves his radio which is play a country music and all of us start to enjoy our steak made by Max. I took a sit beside Clyde, in front of me there is granny and grandpa then Sophia while Max still standing beside his grill.

I talked a lot about my family and my daily life also my plan after graduation, once in a while Clyde will add more information or he will give me his support. We spent our Saturday afternoon with full of laugh, talking about a lot of things, and dancing on Clyde's home backyard. Grandpa and granny are the one who got really excited and never get tired and keep dancing.

I hope I could have that kind of love that they have.

Is it possible if I want that kind of love with Clyde?


I shook my head when Clyde stops his car in front of my house. I look at Clyde, "So, thank you for a wonderful day with your family." I told him and Clyde is laughing now, "It is my pleasure, Willow. They are love you." He said to me softly.

"Well, I am glad if they love me, really. I got scared."

"Why do you even scared?" Clyde asked me.

I shrugged my shoulder, "I don't know. I just, I feel the urge to make them love me. I don't know maybe it is because I'm your fiancée?"I said unsure with what I said.

Clyde only nodded his head, "As you know, being yourself is already making them love you. You don't have to try that hard. They are already loves you long before they plan this BBQ thing." Said Clyde.

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