Chapter 5

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The next day I woke up as usual, well, the usual being Maria splashing water at me.

Yesterday was an exception, because I worked hard the day before, so she wasn't as mean as she is today. And as usual I jumped from bed to the floor, got up, got dresses then walked with her to school


When we entered the building, everything was strange. The jocks weren't around, the queen bee wasn't around, our friends weren't around, even the janitor wasn't around

"What's going on here?" Maria asked while she looked around

"I don't know" I replied and started walking

As I got deeper into the school I heard voices coming out of the gym. We went there, opened the door, and saw everyone sitting on the benches.

Cara spotted us and called us over where she and the group were sitting

"What's all this?" I asked

"No idea" She said

We talked a bit until we heard that whistle the gym teacher always uses, you know, the whistle that send needles through ear, yeah that one. The gym teacher started to talk

"Listen up everyone, the principle has something to say so you all better listen and not interrupt, understood?" there were a few mumbles and 'yes's here and there "I said UNDERSTOOD???" Every one said yes at his tone, he's a Hanimin so of course nearly everyone is afraid of him.

"I have gathered you all here together this morning to inform you about an announcement from the government" the principle started "It says that from now on Servers are supposed to start serving as soon as they finish their junior year" Load gasps and lots of protests and complains went through the gym. Servers were trying to get to the principal but were stopped by there friends who were staring at the principal with anger, disbelief and with crushed hope that they have a chance of controlling their own lives.


I just stared wide eyed at the principal not believing what I just heard.

I was at the beginning of my senior year and still didn't turn seventeen. My birthday was in October so a month later since the school started in September.

"SILENCE" the principal shouted and everyone quieted down eager to here what he was going to say "You all know we have your names enrolled in our data and all your details, so you cannot run away. We will assign each Server here for a Malitor or send them away in the Server office" Oh hell to the no, I've heard of the Server office and it is a nightmare.

When a Server goes there they either make them a slave for the office treating them worse than animals or making them punching bags made for masters to play with when bored

Or they could send them to the Vamps, the Vamps are creatures that are similar to vampires, I mean they drink blood and are fast and strong and all the other things, but their skin doesn't burn under the sun and they can survive with normal food.

How do we recognize them then?

Their eyes.

They have two colours in each eye, strange but mesmerizing.

The office sends Servers there to prevent other levels from getting hurt. They think it's a way to maintain peace, but millions get killed because of this since the most common levels on earth are Servers and Cuminors. 

"Students dismissed" the principal said and got out

As students exited the room I stayed in my place surrounded by my friends. I was holding my head between my hands and put my elbows on my knees and just dosed of with my thoughts

"Hey, you okay?" Alexia asked, she was holding a look of worry in her face while Alexandra had an angry look.

They've always been this way, Alexia cared about soothing the needed person, while Alexandra beat the shit out of the person who hurt her friends.

"Yeah I'm okay, just dosed of" I answered and got up exiting the gym that had no one except Asher Steel who was in the corner leaning on the wall, deep in his thought.

And it's as if he sensed me staring because he lifted his gaze and met mine. When his grey eyes met mine they flashed with an emotion but disappeared quickly.

We made eye contact until I was completely out of the gym and into my first period.


As I entered my house, I was greeted with silence.

As usual.

I went upstairs and changed into comfortable clothes then started doing my homework.

After an hour or so I saw that it was nearly time for my shift, well more like shifts. I got up and got dressed in tight jeans and a black V-neck then walked to work.

You see, I work in several jobs. I need all the money I can get, so first it's a waitress in a cute bakery, then in a garage to repair cars, then in a bookstore, then a cashier in a supermarket, and finally a worker in a cloths store.

So much? Yeah I know. But at least the people there are nice, they are mainly Cuminors and Jokalies but there are a few Servers and Hanimins. And all the stores are on the same street. Yay.

I went inside the bakery and said hi to Maggi, the store owner, then put on my apron and started working.

I took customer's orders and cleaned the tables. I received some flirty compliments here and there but just ignored them, I wasn't in the mood to flirt back and mess around.

When it finally finished I made my way to the garage.

"Where you've been gorgeous?" Mike commented and I just rolled my eyes smiling

"In a place you're not" I replied

"Ouch, you hit me deep right here babe" He faked pain while holding his hand to his heart

I just shook my head laughing and went to work. I really love it here even with the repairing and all the noise. It's just that there are so many people that are close to me here.  

"So, anything new happening in school junior" he asked working on something behind me.

At that I tensed. I really don't want to remember what that dickhead of a principal said, but I shrugged it off, "Nothing much"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2018 ⏰

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