Chapter 23 - They can't bring us down

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I woke up. The room was filled with light that came from the huge windows. They had no curtains on them what so ever. Nothing to cover them.

I saw Matty opening his eyes slowly. We were laying in his bed. I didn't remember how we got here.

"Morning, love", he said whilst caressing my cheekbones.

"Hey, Matty", I smiled. I realized that I had nothing on under my blanket. I guess he didn't either, then.

"Can I go have I quick shower", I asked a totaly tired Matthew Healy.

"Sure", he smiled.

I pulled off the blanket and stood up to walk in direction bathroom.

"Shit, Matthew. I can't even bloody walk", I laughed whilst stumbling from side to side.

He laughed loudly and came over to carry me to the shower bridal style.

"Thank you", I peeked his lips and then ushered him out so that I could shower in peace.

As I came out of the bathroom, I grabbed a pair of Mattys boxers and one of his white, to me oversized, t-shirts.

I found him sitting in the living room.

"Who is unknown", he said worried.

"What?!", I ran over to him and snatched my phone out of his hand.

"Why are you searching through my phone?!", I said a bit angry.

"I wasn't searching through your phone, I sat down and it buzzed and I glanced at it and then I saw this. Ray, tell me who writes stuff like this to you!"

"To be honest, I don't know", I said looking down. I told him everything about it and he couldn't believe it.

He kissed me passionatly and embraced me into a big, cozy hug.

"I'll be here for you! They can't bring us down", he said reassuringly.

I smiled and knew, that he was dead serious.

They can't bring us down (Matthew Healy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now