Chapter 50 - the end

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Ray's P.O.V.

"Matthew, I found my real half brother" I squealed into the phone. Yes, I found my brother after all this time.

"Oh wow, thank god" he laughed and I was surprised of his good mood.

"You're not mad at me?" I laughed out of relief.

He hung up. Why did he hang up? Was he still pissed?

I was very sad about his reaction. Why did he always have to leave when I really was in the mood to talk, why did he always feel the need to hurt me with his words and actions?

I looked at my clock. Ten minutes had passed since he had hung up and I just stood here, dumbfounded.

My doorbell rang and I wondered who would want something at this time.

Eventually after gathering my thoughts I shuffeled over to my front door.

I opened it and all I saw was a big ball of dark hair in my face right away.

I got pushed on the floor gently but roughly at the same time.

"I love you so much" the voice that belonged to the best man on this planet whispered directly into my ear. I could feel shivers run through my body from head to toe.

"I love y--" I tried to say but then he kissed me so passionately that I couldn't and didn't even want to gasp for some air. I just wanted him to kiss me and I wanted him to stay with me forever.


His tongue went from my bare chest to my belly button and back up as I squirmed beneath him.

I gripped his hair with one hand and ran over his nacked back with the other making him moan my name. He was so hot.

"You're not sexy" he screamed in pleasure. What?

"What did you just say Ma--" he cut me off.

"You're not hot" he screamed even louder not caring about my neighboors at all.

What was wrong with this jerk? I was just giving him so much pleasure and now he does this hurtfull shit again. I just layed there underneath him whilst he was sweating onto my bare chest and feeling so much pleasure. I was feeling it too but he kind of ruined it..

After a long pause he stopped pushing into me and looked me straight in the eyes. His chestnut eyes were looking into my soul and deeper down "you're beautiful" he whispered and a tear fell from my eye. He was perfect. He never meant what he said, he could never be a jerk what was I thinking.

I mentally slapped myself for thinking stupid things and arched my back as he kissed down my neck.

"I don't want to be your friend, I want to kiss your neck" I started to sing lightly and he smiled at me from above, his sweaty hair falling to the side.

"You learnt my lyrics?" he asked grinning.

"Noooo" I said sarcastically whilst rolling my eyes. He chuckled and we continued throughout the intire night.

He was perfect for me.

I was perfect for him.

We were perfect for eachother.

But there was much more to come.


"The end" I smiled and saw that Ava was already asleep.


Thank you so much for reading this story there will be a second part soon :)

Leave your requests and opinions on this story down bellow!!

Forever urs, Anna <3

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