Same bed

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He was finding it hard that after Mary died, he got nightmares every night. Every night was the same. Sherlock standing in front of the woman with the gun, it shooting, and Mary jumping in front of Sherlock to save his life. He would wake up in a cold sweat and cry until he eventually fell asleep again. He asked his therapist what he should do. "So I'm having nightmares about... Mary"  John said folding his hands sadly and looking down at them as he spoke. "Every night it feels like I'm there again, but I...i can't do anything about it" his eyes were glassy. "Have you considered sleeping in the same bed as someone so you get the illusion of Mary being there?" The therapist said writing notes on her clipboard. John looked up from his hand curiously. "I haven't do you think that would help?" John said rubbing his hands together. "Yes I do" she replied smiling. John immediately thought of Sherlock. He knew he wasn't good at the whole "sentiment" thing but it was his last chance to get a good nights sleep.
When John got home he saw Sherlock in he kitchen, doing unspeakable things to a finger. John cringed slightly and sat in his chair. "How did it go?" Sherlock said from the kitchen. "Since when did the great Sherlock Holmes care about how my therapy went?!" John piped. "I was just asking because you sat in the chair rather harshly, so your nervous about something" Sherlock replied, still not taking off his goggles and looking away from his work. John tensed. 'I should really pay attention to how I act' he thought. "Oh ummm just a new suggestion to help with the nightmares" John said. "And what would that be" Sherlock spoke with a smirk. " I..they recommend that I sleep with could I..sleep.. in your bed" John said nervously. Sherlock's smirk was immediately wiped off his face. He wasn't expecting that. He slipped his goggles onto his forehead looking at John in his eyes. "Yes that would be fine" Sherlock said. John could've sworn his lip was curled in a half smile. That night once they had agreed to go to bed, they both went into John's room and John slipped under the covers. Sherlock got in next to him and got close enough to John where it wasn't awkward. Eventually, John fell asleep. The dream began again and he got scared. But before the lady was shot he heard distant shouts of his name. He woke up and Sherlock was shaking him. "John are you alright your heart and breathing rate went up" Sherlock said looking him in the eyes. "Yeah... were you..?" "Watching you sleep yes I was. I just wanted to make sure you were ok" Sherlock said curling into Johns side. "Erm.. Sherlock?" John said face flushing slightly. "It will help you sleep. Goodnight John" Sherlock replied. "Alright.. goodnight Sherlock" John said laying back down. And it worked John slept through the rest of the night.
They repeated the process until John eventually realized that he had fallen in love. He was too nervous to say anything of course but one nigh it slipped out. "Goodnight John" Sherlock said. "Goodnight Sherlock, I love you" John said back. Quickly realizing what he said he sat up. "Wait! No I didn't mean..." he was interrupted from speaking when Sherlock leaned in and kissed John. His eyes opened wide, but soon fluttered shut. Enjoying the kiss. Sherlock eventually pulled back, leaving John breathless and smiling. "I love you too idiot" Sherlock said running a large hand across Johns cheek. They chuckled and snuggled into the bed with each other, happily tangling their legs together. Sherlock kissed John on the forehead. "I love you John" "I love you Sherlock"

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