Just barely

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(Ok so uhhh character death,suicide, plot twists, general depressing stuff ok? Trigger warning)
Sherlock sat on the couch staring at the wall. Nothing was really going through his mind he just was thinking, it was just the process with no outcome. It had been 3 years since the fall, finding Sebastian and the rest of Moriarty's crew was harder than they thought. Mycroft ran in looking panicked and sweaty. "Sherlock call John and go straight to 221b now. Johns going to commit suicide don't worry about the assassins I'll take care of it. Go!" He shouted. Sherlock got up and ran down the stairs pulling out his phone. He was outside hailing a cab when John picked up. "Don't pretend to care I know this is some idiotic recording or my imagination" John said wearily into the phone. "John I'm sorry! Please this isn't fake don't hang up" Sherlock said back. He got into the cab "221b Baker Street step on it!" He said and turned back to his phone. He could hear rough crying on the other end. "This isn't real go away!" John shouted in an angry tone. "John just don't!" Sherlock said back tears forming at the corner of his eyes. There was a long silence and he said "goodbye" as soon as Sherlock got to the flat. He paid and ran up the stairs to see John on the floor gripping his wedding photos with Sherlock in them and a gun pointed to his heart. Sherlock stopped in his tracks looking to the broken man on the floor. "John!" He yelled reaching a hand out not being able to do much more. John turned smiled softly and pulled the trigger. Sherlock watched in horror as his beloved blogger fell back blood hitting Sherlock's chair. His eyes grew wide then started sobbing as he pulled out his phone and called an ambulance. Once the call was done Sherlock took Johns limp body into his trembling arms. "I love you John" he whispered through tears. John weakly looked up at Sherlock his heart slowing it's beat. "I love you too" then his body went completely limp. "Oh... oh god" Sherlock backed up into the wall sobbing sinking to the floor. He didn't even move when the paramedics came in to try to save John. Eventually the police came and Lestrade arrived as well. He walked over to Sherlock who was huddled on the floor. "Sherlock?" He said as delicately as he could. "Don't touch me Lestrade this is my fault" he said quietly and stumbled out the door, going back to Mycrofts. "I heard what happened are you ok?" Mycroft asked as Sherlock entered. "I don't want to talk about it Mycroft" He said back lowly. He went up to the guest room and sobbed until he fell asleep.
———————(to lazy for transitions)—————
Sherlock stood on the roof of Bart's again. Where Johns body was held. A familiar voice came from behind him. "Well well well Sherlock this seems familiar" Sherlock turned around to see his lifelong rival Moriarty. "I have no times for games Moriarty this is real" Sherlock said. "Oh what happened did your little sidekick pull the trigger" he chuckled at his own joke. Sherlock said nothing just gave a blank stare. "Any last words?" Moriarty asked. "No" Sherlock said. He looked at the ground and looked back up.

Then jumped for the very last time.

I just oof owie my heart it burns

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