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"John no I'm not staying this is ridiculous achooo!" Sherlock grunted angrily from his spot on the couch. John walked over and took his temperature again "Sorry but your temperature says otherwise, honestly Sherlock you really think that I would let you go off into the cold London streets with a 101 degree temperature?" John said sternly as if disciplining a child. "The yard needs me! They'll get nothing done!"  Sherlock exclaimed groggily. "The yard can last 1 day without London's finest detective" John said lovingly kissing Sherlock's semi sweaty forehead. Sherlock grumbled something unintelligible about being unable to resist the mad musings of his doctor lover and snuggled further into the blankets with a shiver. John smiled at his grumpy detective and walked into the kitchen to grab a damp towel. Sherlock just stared at the entryway to the kitchen with watchful eyes as John wetted the towel. He walked back into the living room and he approached Sherlock gently and rubbed his forehead with the towel. Sherlock hummed in pleasure and closed his eyes. He let out a harsh shiver from chills from the cold. "Still cold?" John asked voice now more soothing than disciplinary. Sherlock sniffed and nodded. "C'mere" John said carefully helping Sherlock off of the couch. Sherlock gripped the blankets closer as his main source of heat was removed and lazily leaned into John. Together, very slowly, they made it to Sherlock's bedroom and John shut the door behind them to keep the warm inside. Sherlock flopped on to the bed face up groaning from how cold it was. John chuckled on how dramatic his lover was and helped move him to the center of the bed. He climbed in next to him and curled around him protectively. He pulled the comforter over them and Sherlock felt a lot warmer from his doctor and the comforter. Sherlock snuggled closer to John, burying his face in Johns neck and kissing it gently. John wrapped an arm around his back and used his other to stroke the small curls settled at the nape of Sherlock's neck. Sherlock nuzzled him humming happily. "Thank you" he whispered. "Of course" John said happily. They fell asleep together, Sherlock was still sick the next day.


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