Hola hermanos i hermanitas...
So I know I've been gone a while and I'm sure some of ya been waiting for me to update... and yeah... I have a few sketches done...
But I've been so busy. Like... why didn't anyone tell me med school was soooo fucking stressful?
That should be the first tip!
So I've started experimenting with colours. A friend and classmate told me to try and do I did.
Like, my little brother's been telling me to start since like forever but I be doing the chicken dance with the idea.
Till now! Yes till now!
The sketch is... okay. I guess but I had fun drawing it... hope you do to!
So without further ado.......
I know... it's not very good.But Hey?! What counts is I tried right?!
Please guys... gimme some feedback aiit? I need to know what y'all think and if there are any things you think I should add or subtract.
Can anyone please tell me how to colour human skin?
I used yellow here and she ended up looking like she had jaundice or something!
Please... save a brothers art yeah?
Bye for now...